美文阅读 (213)韶华易逝

Nature's first green is gold 自然的新绿如金 Her hardest hue to hold 奈何最是难留 Her early leaf's a flower 自然的初芽如花 But only so an hour 绽放却难恒久 Then leaf subsides to leaf 叶叶凋萎,片片散落 So Eden sank to grief 伊甸园沉入悲伤 So dawn goes down to day 黎明沉沦为白昼 Nothing gold can stay 韶华流逝如飞 NSDA认证项目/全国英语演讲大赛/美式辩论赛 诚招省市合作伙...

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美文阅读 (248)雪夜林边驻马

Whose woods these are I think I know, 我知道林子的主人是谁, His house is in the village though. 不过他的住房在村庄里面。 He will not see me stopping here, 他不会看到我停留于此, To watch his woods fill up with snow. 凝视他的林子雪花纷飞。 My little horse must think it queer, 我的小马一定以我为怪, To stop without a farmhouse near, 近无房舍,为何停伫。 Between the woods and ...

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