
Seven million ship cargo containers come into the United States every year. 每年有七百万集装箱货船驶入美国 Five to seven percent only are inspected — five to seven percent. 其中只有百分之五到七接受了检查–百分之五到七 This is Alexander Lebed, who was a general that worked with Yeltsin, 这是亚历山大·列别德,他是和叶利钦时代的将军 who talked about, and presented to ...

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Seven million ship cargo containers come into the United States every year. 每年有七百万集装箱货船驶入美国 Five to seven percent only are inspected — five to seven percent. 其中只有百分之五到七接受了检查–百分之五到七 This is Alexander Lebed, who was a general that worked with Yeltsin, 这是亚历山大·列别德,他是和叶利钦时代的将军 who talked about, and presented to ...

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Here we go. OK. 好的,我们来亲眼看看吧 I'm back in my truck, and we drove over the Brooklyn Bridge. 回到我刚才提到的卡车,我们把它开到布鲁克林大桥 We're coming down, and we bring that truck that you just saw somewhere in here, in the Financial District. 我们一路开往市中心,我们把车开到你刚看到的金融区的某个地方 This is a 10-kiloton bomb, slightly smaller than was use...

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And what happened was — when we get in to chapter two of the nuclear threat era, which started back in 1945. 而现实是当我们进入1945年开始的核威胁时期的第二阶段 Chapter two starts in 1991. 第二个阶段是从1991年开始的 When the Soviet Union broke up, 当苏联解体之后 we effectively lost that adversary as a potential attacker of the United States, for the most part. 美国实际...

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Now this situation, already I — you know, I don't really like thinking about this, 对于这个情况,你们知道,我并不愿意去想这个问题 although somehow I got myself a job where I have to think about it. 虽然我阴差阳错地得到了一份工作使我不得不去想 So the point is that we're very, very insecure in terms of developing this material. 重点是,我们发展这些裂变物质是非常...

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I am shocked and saddened by the horrifying attack in Nice last night. Our hearts go out to the French people, and to all those who have lost loved ones or been injured. While the full picture is still emerging, it seems that at least 80 people are feared dead and many others have been injured. These were innocent victims enjoying a national celebration with their friends an...

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There are no words to describe the grief and anger that our city is feeling this morning. Tragically, six people have been killed in this sickening attack, and more than 40 injured, some of them critically. I am appalled and furious that these twisted and cowardly terrorists deliberately targeted innocent Londoners and visitors to our city who were just enjoying their Saturd...

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