
President Bush Delivers Commencement Address at Greensburg High School  THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Superintendent, thank you for that kind introduction. Governor Sebelius, thank you for being here. Senator Brownback, Senator Roberts, Congressman Tiahrt, Mayor Janssen, Mayor-Elect Dixson, City Administrator Hewitt, Principal Fulton, members of the administration, fa...

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President’s Radio Address  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, the Commerce Department reported that GDP grew at an annual rate of six-tenths of a percent in the first quarter. This rate of growth is not nearly as high as we would like. And after a record 52 months of uninterrupted job growth, April was the fourth month in a row in which our economy lost jobs, alt...

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President Bush Celebrates National Day of Prayer  THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Welcome to the White House. And I am honored to join you for the National Day of Prayer. I’m sorry Laura is not here — she’s out selling her book. (Laughter.)  Shirley, thank you very much for being the Chairman of the National Day of Prayer. Glad you brought old Jim with you. ...

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美文阅读 (310)没有足够的方式能表达我有多想念你

There are not enough words to contemplate on how much I miss you and I miss us being together physically. 没有足够的言语能表达我有多想念你,我想念我们在一起。 My heart aches and I miss you so bad. 我的心很疼,我很想念你。 I miss you. I miss all the mornings that I have woken up right beside you. 我想你。我想念我在你身边醒来的所有早晨。 I miss the way the sun shines at your f...

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1、正是在不尽的思念中,人的感情才得到了净化和升华。没有距离,便没有思念。当轮船的汽笛拉响,当火车的汽笛长鸣,当汽车的轮子开始转动,当飞机冲击跑道腾空而起,思念便开始了。 2、回想我们在一起相聚的日子,我的心绪迷迷朦朦。你那充满朝气的身躯总是伴着月光入我梦来,让我牵挂不停。 3、我有缺点,但是我会用优点来待你;我钱不多,但是我会努力地去挣钱来养你;爱情的幸福不在别人的眼里,关键在...

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