爱驻我心 (7)感恩节故事(2)

As a result they had a bountiful harvest that provided food for the coming winter. 结果,他们得到了丰厚的收成,为即将到来的冬天提供了食物。 The Pilgrims had much to celebrate although nearly half of their people died. 尽管有近半数的人死去,清教徒们依然有许多值得庆祝的东西。 They had successfully built homes in the wilderness raised enough crops to keep them alive during the ...

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爱驻我心 (6)感恩节故事(1)

Early in the 17th century, a group of people called the pilgrims wanted to reform and purify England's churches. 17世纪早期,被称作清教徒的一群人想要改革并净化英格兰教会。 As a result of their efforts, they were persecuted, so they sailed to the Netherlands; also known as Holland, seeking religious freedom. 他们努力的结果却是遭到了迫害,于是他们横渡到了尼德兰,也被称作荷...

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