
I want to address the issue of compassion. 我想探讨慈悲心这个话题 Compassion has many faces. 慈悲心有很多形态 Some of them are fierce; some of them are wrathful; 有些是激烈的;有些是忿怒的 some of them are tender; some of them are wise. 有些是温和的, 有些是智慧的 A line that the Dalai Lama once said, 达赖喇嘛曾说过 he said, "Love and compassion are necessities. 他说:“...

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If compassion is so good for us, 如果慈悲有益 why don't we train our health care providers in compassion 为什么我们不以慈悲培训保健服务的提供者 so that they can do what they're supposed to do, 这样他们各尽其职 which is to really transform suffering? 去真正化解痛苦? And if compassion is so good for us, 如果慈悲有益 why don't we vote on compassion? 为什么我们不为...

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And on the first day at Simikot in Humla, 我们在胡姆拉的Simikot的头一天 far west of Nepal, 在尼泊尔的最西端 the most impoverished region of Nepal, 全国最贫困的地区 an old man came in 一个抱着一堆破烂布片的老人 clutching a bundle of rags. 走进来 And he walked in, and somebody said something to him, 他进了门,有人招呼他 we realized he was deaf, 然后我们发现他是耳聋 and we look...

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That compassion is actually 这种慈悲 an inherent human quality. 是人类内在的特质 It is there within every human being. 存在于每个人之中 But the conditions 但慈悲 for compassion to be activated, 被触发 to be aroused, 被鼓励的条件 are particular conditions. 都是特殊情况 I had that condition, to a certain extent, 某种程度上,我是 from my own childhood illness. 深深受幼时疾患的...

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But compassion, the generation of compassion, 但慈悲,慈悲的产物, actually mobilizes our immunity. 却可以促进免疫能力。 You know, if compassion is so good for us, 如你所知,如果慈悲是有益的, I have a question. 我有个问题。 Why don't we train our children in compassion? 为什么我们不以慈悲教育我们的后代? If compassion is so good for us, 如果慈悲有益, why don't we t...

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And Yudhisthira replied, 尤帝士提尔答道, The most wondrous thing in the world is that all around us people can be dying and we don't realize it can happen to us. 世上最美妙的事情就是我们所有人都将死去,而我们对此却一无所知。 I looked up. 我仰起头。 Tending those 31 dying people were young women from villages around Bangalore. 照顾这31个濒死者的是来自班加罗尔周边村子的年...

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But compassion has another component, 但慈悲心有另一个组成部分, and that component is really essential. 这个部分非常重要。 That component is that we cannot be attached to outcome. 这就是我们不应该耽于结果。 Now I worked with dying people for over 40 years. 如今,我已为临死的人们工作了40余年。 I had the privilege of working on death row for six years. 我曾有幸在最大限度安全...

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I say that, for thousands of years, 我说,在上千年的时间长河里, women have lived, 女性与观音, exemplified, met in intimacy, 有着密切的关系, the archetype of Avalokitesvara, 她们是在世的观音, of Kuan-Yin, 是观音的具现, she who perceives the cries of suffering in the world. 观音感知世上苦难的哭喊。 Women have manifested for thousands of years the strength arising from com...

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I believe that women and girls today have to partner in a powerful way with men with their fathers, 我相信今天的女人和女孩子要和男性成为伙伴和她们的父亲, with their sons, with their brothers, 她们的儿子,兄弟, with the plumbers, the road builders, 和水管工,修路工人, the caregivers, the doctors, the lawyers, 和护理人员,医生,律师, with our president, 和我们的总统, and ...

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The rags were unwrapped from a little girl whose body was massively burned. 打开裹着的布片是一个重度烧伤的女孩。 Again, 再一次, the eyes and hands of Avalokiteshvara. 观世音的眼睛和慈悲之手显现。 It was the young women, the health aids, 也就是那些年轻女性,援助者, who cleaned the wounds of this baby and dressed the wounds. 清理孩子的伤口并包扎上。 I know those hands and ey...

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And you know, we have a society, a world, 你知道,我们的社会,这个世界, that is paralyzed by fear. 已经在恐惧中麻痹。 And in that paralysis, of course, 当然在这麻痹之中, our capacity for compassion is also paralyzed. 我们的慈悲心也受到麻痹。 The very word terror is global. 恐怖是全球性的。 The very feeling of terror is global. 这种恐怖感是全球性的。 So our work, in a certa...

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I want to address the issue of compassion. 我想探讨慈悲心这个话题。 Compassion has many faces. 慈悲心有很多形态。 Some of them are fierce; some of them are wrathful; 有些是激烈的;有些是忿怒的; some of them are tender; some of them are wise. 有些是温和的, 有些是智慧的。 A line that the Dalai Lama once said, 达赖喇嘛曾说过, he said, Love and compassion are necessities. 他说...

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