
Why bother? The game is rigged. My vote won’t count. 为什么非要投票呢?选举被操纵了。我那一票不起作用。 The choices are terrible. Voting is for suckers. 选举的结果很糟糕。选举都是骗人的。 Perhaps you’ve thought some of these things. Perhaps you’ve even said them. 也许你曾经这么想过。也许你还说过这样的话。 And if so, you wouldn’t be ...

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It’s no accident that democracy and theater emerged around the same time in ancient Athens. 无怪乎民主和剧院同时出现于古代雅典。 Both of them yank the individual out of the enclosure of her private self. 民主和戏剧都把个体从私我中分离出来。 Both of them create great public experiences of shared ritual. 都从一种共同的仪式感中创立了伟大的公共体验。 Bot...

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What we need today is an electoral culture that is about being together together, in person, in loud and passionate ways, 我们今天需要的是一种选举文化,人与人之间面对面交流思想,喧闹而又激情四射, that instead of being “eat your vegetables” or “do you duty,” voting can feel more like “join the club” or, better yet, “join the p...

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Imagine where this country would be if all the folks who in 2010 created the Tea Party had decided that, 想象一下这个国家将会怎样,如果所有2010年创建茶党的人 you know, politics is too messy, voting is too complicated. 认为政治太肮脏,投票太复杂。 There is no possibility of our votes adding up to anything. 我们的投票永远没有机会贡献任何事。 They didn’...

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“The Joy of Voting” project isn’t just about joy. It’s about this passion. “选举的快乐”项目并不只是关于快乐。这是激情。 It’s about feeling and belief, and it isn’t just our organization’s work. 也是感受和信仰,不是只有我们一个组织在工作。 All across this country right now, immigrants, young people, veterans, 现在全国...

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In Miami, we’ve commissioned and artist, a young artist named Atomico, 在迈阿密,我们委托一个艺术家,年轻的艺术家阿托米卡, to create some vivid and vibrant images for a new series of “I voted” stickers. 去创作栩栩如生的“我投票了”新系列贴纸。 But the thing is, Atomico had never voted. He wasn’t even registered. 可是,阿托米卡从来没投过...

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From the Revolution to the Civil Rights Era, the United States had a vibrant, robustly participatory and raucous culture of voting. 从美国革命到人权时代,美国选举曾经充满生机,参与者信念坚定,草根文化喧嚣一时。 It was street theater, open-air debates, fasting and feasting and toasting, parades and bonfires. 街头戏剧,公开辩论,斋戒,盛宴,祝酒,游行和篝火晚会盛极一...

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You might ask, well, here in America, who has time for this? 你也许会问,但这是美国,谁有时间折腾这些啊? And I would tell you that the average American watches five hours of television a day. 我要告诉你,美国人平均每天看5小时的电视。 You might ask, who has the motivation? 你会问,谁有那个劲头啊? And I’ll tell you, any citizen who wants to be seen a...

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