
But you can’t help it – at least I can’t, and God knows I’ve tried. 但是你却无能为力——至少我不行,上帝知道我尝试过了。 I don’t want any ex-boyfriends sitting in church when I marry you. 当我迎娶你的时候,我可不想有任何一位男朋友坐在教堂里面。 On our wedding day I want nothing but happiness, both for you and me, and I know I won’t be...

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July 31st, 1978 1978年7月31日 My darling McGeorge, 亲爱的麦克乔治: You said that things seemed clearer when they were written down. 你曾说过把事情写下来,他们就会变得更清楚。 Well, here with a very boring letter in which I will try and put everything down so that you may read and re-read at horror at your folly in getting involved with me. 那么这恐怕是...

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SpringField Ilinois 斯普林菲尔德 伊利诺伊 Oct 19,1860 1860年10月19日 Miss Grace Bedell My dear little Miss 亲爱的小格蕾丝·贝戴尔小姐: Your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received. 你15日发寄来的信件已经收到了。 I regret the necessity of saying I have no daughters— I have three sons— one seventeen, one nine, and one seven years of age. 很遗...

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睡前读首诗 (2)我的爱人没有阳光般明亮的眼睛

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; 我的爱人没有阳光一般明亮的眼睛,也远远没有赛过珊瑚的红唇; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. 她的胸脯比白雪幽暗,如麻的黑发长在她的头顶。 I have seen roses damasked, red and white, but no such roses see ...

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美文阅读 (233)未与你共度一切

You are beautiful, gay, giving, gentle, idiotically and deliciously feminine, 你光彩照人,无忧无虑,慷慨大方,温柔和美,单纯天真而且秀色可餐, sexy, wonderfully intelligent and wonderfully silly as well. 你性感,聪慧也傻得可爱。 I want nothing else in this life than to be with you, to listen and watch you (your beautiful voice, your beauty) . 生命之中我最想要的你在一起,想倾...

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睡前读首诗 (1)她走在美丽的光彩中

She Walks in Beauty 她走在美的光彩中 by Lord Byron 乔治·戈登·拜伦 She walks in beauty, like the night 她走在美的光彩中,像夜晚 Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 皎洁无云而且繁星漫天; And all that’s best of dark and bright 与暗的最美妙的色泽 Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 在她的仪容和秋波里呈现: Thus mellowed to that tender l...

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睡前读首诗 (3)我有一个黑狗

I had a black dog. His name was Depression. 我有一条黑狗,它名叫抑郁。 Whenever the black dog made an appearance, I felt empty and life just seemed to slow down. 每当这条黑狗出现时,我就感到空虚,生活似乎也慢了下来。 He could surprise me with the visit for no reason or occasion. 它总会不分时间、场合的突然出现在我的面前。 The black dog made me look and feel...

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睡前读首诗 (4)抖森:有一位小姐甜美又温柔

There is a Lady Sweet and Kind -Anonymous 有一位小姐甜美又温柔 -无名氏 There is a lady sweet and kind, was never face so pleas’d my mind; 有一位小姐甜美又温柔,从来没有人像她那样让我着迷; I did but see her passing by, and yet I love her till I die. 我只是看见她经过,便会爱她到永远。 Her gesture, motion, and her smiles, her wit, her voice, my heart b...

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