经典英语美文 (31)拥抱今天

Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are travelling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving on a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlan...

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美文阅读 (384)能否再抱抱你

Can I Carry You? — Brad Anderson 能否再抱抱你?– 布拉德·安德森 I guess that I can hold you one more time before you grow and tell you that I love you so that you will always know 我想,在你长大之前,我还能再抱你一次吧,并告诉你我永远爱你,这样,你便不会忘却 Please let me tie your shoe again 就让我再给你系一次鞋带 One day you’ll tie your o...

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美文阅读 (366)一个简单的拥抱

A Simple Hug — Johnny Ray Ryder Jr 一个简单的拥抱 There’s something in a simple hug 一个简单的拥抱包含了许多东西 That always warms the heart 而它总能温暖人心 It welcomes us back home 它是迎接我们回家的讯号 And makes it easier to part 也是离别时最好的慰藉 A hug is a way to share the joy 拥抱是一种分享 And sad times we go throug...

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19th of November, 1957 1957年11月19日 Dear Monsieur Germain: 亲爱的杰曼先生: I let the commotion around me these days subside a bit before speaking to you from the bottom of my heart. 在我由衷的感谢您之前,我让我最近躁动的内心稍稍平静了一些。 I have just been given far too great an honour, one I neither sought nor solicited. 我刚刚被授予了一个我这一生...

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心理学研究表明,经常被触摸和被拥抱的孩子,其心理素质要比缺乏这些行动的孩子健康得多。 心理学家指出,拥抱可以消除沮丧,使体内免疫系统的效率上升;拥抱能力倦怠的躯体注入新能量,使你变得更年轻,更有活力。 但是,中国的孩子远比美国的孩子得到的拥抱和亲吻少得多,到了10岁左右,就很少有人再拥抱和亲吻他们了。特别是女孩,得到了亲吻和拥抱就更少了。在家庭中,每天的拥抱能加强成员之间的关系...

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