
And over the next 18 months, they together passed an incredibly comprehensive set of reforms. 接下来的18个月,他们一起通过了一系列令人难以置信的全面的改革方案 They busted open Mexico's smothering monopolies. 他们破除了墨西哥令人窒息的垄断 They liberalized its rusting energy sector. 他们放宽了对已经生锈的能源领域的限制。 They restructured its failing schools, and much mor...

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Neither immigration nor Islamic extremism are impossible to deal with. 移民问题和伊斯兰恐怖主义都不是不可能解决的 Join me now on one last trip, this time to Mexico. 现在跟我来看看最后的这个例子,这一次我们转向墨西哥 Now, of our three stories, this one probably surprised me the most, 在所有三个故事中,这一个可能是最令我惊讶的 since as you all know, the country is still strugg...

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Number two, there's power in promiscuous thinking. 第二,胡思乱想的力量 Another striking similarity among good problem-solvers is that they're all pragmatists. 另一个好的问题解决者的显着相似点是他们都是实用主义者 They'll steal the best answers from wherever they find them, 他们会窃取最好的答案,不管这答案来自哪里 and they don't let details like party or ideol...

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Take Canada: when Trudeau took office, he faced two looming dangers. 就加拿大而言,当特鲁多就任时,面临两大潜在的危险。 First, though his vast, underpopulated country, badly needed more bodies, 首先,尽管他这个地广人稀的国家,非常需要更多的劳动力 its preferred source for white workers, Europe, 但它首选的白人劳动力来源地欧洲 had just stopped exporting them as it finally recov...

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And like all hipsters, he could be infuriating at times. 跟所有的潮人一样,他有时候也会愤怒。 But he nevertheless pulled off one of the most progressive transformations any country has ever seen. 然而他却开启了一个在任何国家都没见过的激进的转变 His formula, I've learned, involved two parts. 他的公式,我了解到,包含两个方面。 First, Canada threw out its old race-based imm...

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The proof? When Pena was sworn in, the pact held, 证据呢?当培尼亚宣誓就职时,协议也签订了 and Mexico moved forward for the first time in years. Bueno. 而墨西哥也在这么多年来第一次朝前发展。非常好 So now we've seen how these three countries overcame three of their great challenges. 现在我们看过了这三个国家是如何克服他们面临的三个巨大挑战的 And that's very nice for th...

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In 1998, the people of Indonesia took to the streets and overthrew their longtime dictator, Suharto. 1998年,印度尼西亚人民走上街头,推翻了长期的独裁者苏哈托 It was an amazing moment, but it was also a scary one. 那是一个令人激动的时刻,但也是一个可怕的时刻 With 250 million people, Indonesia is the largest Muslim-majority country on Earth. 拥有2.5亿人口的印尼是地球上最大的以...

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Yet he chose to embrace his enemies instead, while forcing his own party to compromise. 但是他选择了拥抱自己的敌人,同时迫使他所在的政党去妥协 And Trudeau pushed everyone to stop thinking in tribal terms 特鲁多促使大家都不再去想部落 and to see multiculturalism, not language and not skin color, as what made them quintessentially Canadian. 并且去考虑用多元文化主义,而不是语言...

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Not only are there theoretical fixes; those fixes have been tried. 这里不仅仅有理论上的修复,这些修复已经被投入试验 They've worked. And they offer hope for the rest of us. 并且是起作用的。这也为我们其他人提供了希望 I'm going to show you what I mean by telling you about how three of the countries I visited 接下来我将会展示我所要表达的意思,通过讲述这三个我访问过的国家...

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And now Canada is taking even more. 并且现在加拿大正在接收更多的难民 And yet, if you ask Canadians what makes them proudest of their country, 如果你问加拿大人他们的国家最让他们感到骄傲的是什么 they rank "multiculturalism," a dirty word in most places, second, ahead of hockey. Hockey. 他们会将“多元文化”这个在很多地方都带有贬义的词语排在第二位,领先于曲棍球。曲棍球 I...

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And while a few Indonesians have recently joined ISIS, 虽然最近还是有些印尼人加入伊斯兰国 their number is tiny, far fewer in per capita terms than the number of Belgians. 但他们的数量是非常少的,按人均来计算比比利时要少得多 Try to think of one other Muslim-majority country that can say all those same things. 想想看还有哪个以穆斯林为主的国家能够做到这些 In 2014, I went to Ind...

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The conventional wisdom about our world today is that this is a time of terrible decline. 关于当今世界的传统观点认为:这是一个急剧衰退的时代 And that's not surprising, given the bad news all around us, 而这也并不令人奇怪,考虑到我们身边无处不在的坏消息 from ISIS to inequality, political dysfunction, climate change, Brexit, and on and on. 从伊斯兰国到不平等,政治机能失调...

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智慧人生篇章 (73)政治与信仰的碰撞

With Mitt Romney's presidential nomination confirmed in a barnstorming acceptance speech two days ago, 米特·罗姆尼两天前的提名巡回演讲进一步巩固了他总统候选人提名的身份。 the race to the White House is now well under way. 通往白宫的角逐正在顺利展开。 For most of us outside the United States, the battle for power is as inscrutable as a test match is to the average America...

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正处级干部岗位竞聘演讲稿 内容导读:后来随着社院的发展,处室的增多,我也就从人秘处调到教务处、科研处、行政处、行财处、服务中心等处室,担任过人事、办公室秘书,后勤服务中心主任,教务处副处长,行财处副处长等职。正是在社院工作的时间比较长,又经过多个工作岗位的锻炼,提高了我组织协调能力··· 上午好,感谢组织、感谢大家给我这次参加竞争机会,站在这个挑战与机遇并存,...

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政治处主任竞聘竞职演讲稿 各位领导、各位评委、各位同事: 我于_年_月参加工作,_年_月调入检察院,在反贪局的前身——经济检察科工作,后调任办公室副主任、调研室主任,负责调研、信息、宣传工作,调研室与政工科合并后,由我负责政工调研工作至今。 参加工作以来,由于本人的不懈努力,加之领导、同事的关心与支持,工作取得了一定的成绩,得到了群众和领导的好评,多次受到领导机关的表彰与...

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政治教育培训科科长竞聘报告范文 尊敬的各位领导、评委: 大家好! 今天,我有幸站在这个讲台上,接受组织和同志们的评议和挑选。在此,我衷心感谢党委及同志们给予我这次展示自我、挑战自我的机会。 我竞聘的职位是——政治处教育培训科科长。 我叫xxx,现年xx岁,中共党员,副主任科员。1990年6月毕业于xxx。先后在xxx办公室工作达xx年,担任过xxx等职。2002年2月,参加xx组织的招聘考试,被选...

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纪委监察副处长竞职演讲稿 文章导读:首先,我将从讲学习、讲政治、讲正气的高度,进一步提高自己的理论水平,服从、服务于我省教育改革和发展大局。加强对邓小平理论和江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想的学习和实践,进一步熟悉、掌握和运用有关法律…… 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 首先要感谢各位领导给我这次展示自我,推销自我的机会,我将勇于珍惜这次机会,将我最优...

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