新东方英语美文背诵 第27篇:An October Sunrise

An October Sunrise I was up the next morning be fore the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to crept to the hollow ...

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新东方英语美文背诵 第18篇:Solitude

Solitude I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, le...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:The Four Freedoms

Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Four Freedoms Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, members of the 77th Congress: I address you, the members of this new Congress, at a moment unprecedented in the history of the union. I use the word “unprecedented” because at no previous time has American security been as seriously threatened from without as it is today. Since the permanent formation of...

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President Bush Attends North Atlantic Council Summit Meeting  THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, President Basescu, thank you all very much. For nearly six decades the NATO Alliance has been the hope of a world moving toward freedom and justice, and away from patterns of conflict and fear. During times of great challenge we have advanced our ideals. We’ve stood for...

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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Christmas is just a few days away. As Americans gather around the tree with family and friends, we remember the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard men and women who will be spending this holiday far away from their homes and loved ones. America is blessed to have men and women willing to step forward to defend our freedoms and ke...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Sproul Hall Sit-in Speech…

Sproul Hall Sit-in Speech/An End to History Mario Savio Sit-in Address on the Steps of Sproul Hall delivered 2 December 1964, The University of California at Berkeley You know, I just wanna say one brief thing about something the previous speaker said. I didn’t wanna spend too much time on that ’cause I don’t think it’s important enough. But one thing...

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英文欣赏:Baseball Field-Spors-Culture 棒球场-体育-文化

Baseball is the oldest pastime in American history.After years of evolution,todays baseball games are played with nine players,each serving a different role.The pitcher and the catcher are the first line of defense for the team in the field. 棒球是美国历史上最早的休闲活动。经过多年的演变,今天的棒球是由9个运动员上场来比赛,每个人负责不同的任务。在球场上,投手和捕手是防守...

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几年前,我了解到知识有三个阶段,或叫三个K,能够极快地界定你对某个主题的认识程度。每当我为某个重要的问题绞尽脑汁时,脑海里就会冒出这三个K。 知识的三个阶段是这样的: ●K1:你知道自己知道。 ●K2:你知道自己不知道。 ●K3:你不知道自己不知道——这是三个层次中最吓人的一种! 有个简单的方法可以让你理解这一范例: 你知道自己知道:我知道青霉素是一种神奇的抗生素,它可以用于治疗常...

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广播局副局长竞聘报告材料 尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 很高兴有机会参加今天的竞选。在此,我对组织上给我们提供这样平等竞争、展示才能的机会表示深深的感谢! 我叫赵晓明,34岁、中共党员、大专文化,现任文化馆书记、馆长,兼职文体总支宣传工作。省曲艺家协会会员、市作家协会会员、政协依兰县第十一届委员会委员。我的第一学历是初中没有毕业。早在我十七岁时创办了依兰县第一个乡村文学社团&...

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各位领导、同志们:大家好! 今天我和大家一起参加镇机关二级班子竞争上岗演讲会。我竞争的岗位是宣传文化中心主任一职。所谓演讲就是发表演说。说文雅点呢,就是采用表演形式把自己竞争岗位的目的、意义以及打算向大家进行表述;用通俗话说呢,就是在正式场合“日白”,再进一步引申成我们平常的口语呢,就是个站在台上跟大家摆龙门阵,或者说叫“吹牛。大家不要笑,也不要惊讶!“日...

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广播电视台事业局副局长竞聘演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 很高兴有机会参加今天的竞选。在此,我对组织上给我们提供这样平等竞争、展示才能的机会表示深深的感谢! 我叫赵晓明,34岁、中共党员、大专文化,现任文化馆书记、馆长,兼职文体总支宣传工作。省曲艺家协会会员、市作家协会会员、政协依兰县第十一届委员会委员。我的第一学历是初中没有毕业。早在我十七岁时创办了依兰县第一个乡村...

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交际用语解题技巧点拨 交际用语是高考每年必考的项目,其选材来自同学们的现实生活,具有自然、真实、灵活的特点。同学们平时要多了解英美国家的风土人情、生活习惯,注意对比和研究英汉两种语言文化上的细微差异,逐步提高具体语境下的语言应变能力,从而提高解答交际用语题的水平。下面,本文将从几个方面谈谈如何进行交际用语的复习。 一、 准确定位语境,注意英汉差异。 交际用语的最大特点就是语言...

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交际用语解题技巧点拨 交际用语是高考每年必考的项目,其选材来自同学们的现实生活,具有自然、真实、灵活的特点。同学们平时要多了解英美国家的风土人情、生活习惯,注意对比和研究英汉两种语言文化上的细微差异,逐步提高具体语境下的语言应变能力,从而提高解答交际用语题的水平。下面,本文将从几个方面谈谈如何进行交际用语的复习。 一、 准确定位语境,注意英汉差异。 交际用语的最大特点就是语言...

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