
Dean Ellis, honored guests, faculty, family, friends, and the Class of 2015, 埃利斯院长、尊敬的来宾、各位教职员工、家人、好友,以及2015届的毕业生们: I cannot begin to express my gratitude for your generosity today. 今天,对于你们的慷慨宽容,我的感激之情无以言表。 Thank you so much for inviting me to join you in celebrating your graduation! 非常感谢你们邀请我参加你们的毕业典...

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The funny thing about "Erased de Kooning" is that it isn't for sale. 有趣的是,《擦掉的德库宁》这幅画并不出售。 It's safe and sound in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 这幅画完好无损地收藏在旧金山现代艺术博物馆里。 It's tremendously valuable, but it bears no price. 此画极其珍贵,但无价。 You already have inside of you all of the amazing things yo...

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When you leave here, you're going to face a great challenge: a full-time job. 你们从这儿毕业后,将会面临一个巨大的挑战:一份全职工作。 And the hardest part is going to be getting used to solving problems that don't yet have answers. 其中最难的部分是,你们要习惯于解决一些尚且没有答案的问题。 In times of despair, you may believe the cynic who tells you that one person ...

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I recently fell in love with a story about a great piece of American art. 我最近喜欢上了一个故事,这个故事与一件伟大的美国艺术作品有关。 And it's about a guy named Bob Rauschenberg. 故事的主人公叫鲍勃·劳申贝格。 He was a young artist, and he went to go visit his idol. 此人当时是一位年轻的艺术家,他要去拜访他的偶像。 You know, he really loved this guy and he was totally t...

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It only recently occurred to me, while preparing this address, how totally absurd this whole charade was. 直到最近,在准备这次演讲稿时,我才意识到,自己在毕业典礼上的装模作样简直荒谬至极。 It reminded me that oftentimes we do all sorts of silly things to avoid appearing different. 这件事提醒我:我们经常做各种傻事,以避免自己与众不同。 Conforming happens so naturally that we ...

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I love this story because Bill de Kooning had the humility 我非常喜欢这个故事,因为比尔·德库宁很谦逊, to recognize that the greatest thing we can do is provide the best possible foundation for those who come after us. 他认识到我们能做的最了不起的事情就是为后来者提供尽可能好的基础。 We must welcome our own erasure. 我们必须欢迎自己被赶超。 So I'm asked one question most ...

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