
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Big Easy! (Applause.) Everybody, give it up for Nancy for that great introduction. (Applause.) It is good to be back in New Orleans. This is what passes for winter here in New Orleans, huh? (Laughter.) Folks got all their coats on and all that. Come on. You need to go to Chicago to know what it’s like to be cold. It is great to be here. It is especially...

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奥巴马演讲 支持重建新奥尔良1

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. It is good to be back. (Applause.) It is good to be back. AUDIENCE MEMBER: It’s good to have you back! THE PRESIDENT: I’m glad. (Laughter.) And due to popular demand, I decided to bring the First Lady down here. (Applause.) We have just an extraordinary number of dedicated(专注的,献身的) public servants who are here. If you wil...

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