
The First Post Written on June 19th, 2009 第一篇日记写于2009年6月19日 I will participate in the demonstrations tomorrow. Maybe they will turn violent. Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed. I’m listening to all my favorite music. I even want to dance to a few songs. I always wanted to have very narrow eyebrows. Yes, maybe I will go to the salon b...

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一次意外翻看了女儿的手机短信和日记,陈女士发现16岁的女儿和班上多名男生在恋爱,而且还互相拥抱、接吻。一怒之下,陈女士决定限制女儿单独外出,可这却让女儿与她开始了“冷战”。接到陈女士的求助后,武汉市12355青少年服务台近日派出心理咨询师,不仅对陈女士的女儿进行了有针对性的心理辅导,还给陈女士上了一堂课。 母亲翻看日记发现惊人内幕 陈女士说,今年上半年开始,女儿就特别爱打扮...

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