
You all know this story. 你们都知道这个故事. In the summer of 1950, 在1950年的夏天, Enrico Fermi, the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, 美籍意大利心理学家 and atomic-pile builder, 和原子堆创造者 went to lunch at Los Alamos National Laboratory 在Los Alamos国家实验室和一些同事们共进午餐, and joined some colleagues there, and asked them a question: 问他们一些问题: "...

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Encounter one: Ocean City, New Jersey, 1980. 遭遇一: 1980年,新泽西的欧欣城. This was the summer when the special edition of 那是个夏天,正好赶上《第三类接触》的 "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released. 特别版发布. And I went on vacation with my parents to the Jersey shore. 我和父母一起去新泽西的滨海度假. Within 12 hours, I was horribly sunburned, 我在12个...

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Close encounter four: the Algarve, 遭遇四:阿尔加瓦 Portugal, 1991. 葡萄牙,1991. Some years later, I and this woman — 许多年过后,我和这个女人– we'll call her "Catherine Fletcher" — 我们将称她为“Catherine Fletcher”- went traveling through the south of Portugal together. 我们穿越葡萄牙南部去旅行. We stayed in old, crumbling, walled cities, 我们住...

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Close encounter two: Brookline, Massachusetts, 1984. 遭遇二: 1984年马萨诸塞的布鲁克林 I went to see the movie "Dune," 我去那里看电影"沙丘" and a girl talked to me. Now, on its face — 一个女孩跟我搭讪,从表面上看 — this is impossible on its face, I realize — 我意识到,这从表面上看是不可能的 — but it is absolutely true. 但它确实是真的....

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Close encounter three: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 遭遇三:宾夕法尼亚州的费城, 1989. 1989年 In the mid-to-late '80s, 八十世纪末, the novelist Whitley Strieber wrote a book called "Communion," 小说家Whitley Strieber写了本自传, in which he described his own lifelong experiences 自传中他描述了 being abducted by aliens. 被外星人绑架的经历. And he also described the ...

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美文阅读 (67)时光慢慢流逝

Time passes slowly up here in the mountains, 山中的时光静寂缓慢, We sit beside bridges and walk beside fountains, 我们坐在桥畔,在泉水边散步, Catch the wild fishes that float through the stream, 追寻野生的鱼群,在溪水上漂浮, Time passes slowly when you're lost in a dream. 当你置身尘外,时光静寂流逝。 Once I had a sweetheart, she was fine and good-lookin', 我曾有个...

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