
Although I didn't know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week – I really did know them. 虽然我不认识本周达拉斯被枪杀的五名警察,以及负伤的七名警察,但我确实了解他们。 They were the folks I grew up with: The boy with the most courage and the most compassion; 他们是与我一起长大的人:是最有勇气和最有同情心的男孩; t...

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智慧人生篇章 (48)爱在悲剧之后(1)

Over the last few days we have seen and been reminded of two massacres. Last weekend Norway remembered the first anniversary of the 77 victims of a bomb and gun shooting. During a brief television clip a young Norwegian man said that this tragedy hadn't changed Norway's commitment to an open and transparent society, if anything it had made Norway stronger. And in a w...

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智慧人生篇章 (45)女性vs.暴力

I was attending a workshop on women and violence. One told her story. She was 18 and visiting a farm with her boyfriend. Alone together, they had sex even though she didn't want to. Guilt-ridden, humiliated and demeaned, why didn't she report it? Because even though she had clearly said no, it didn't occur to her for nearly ten years that she had just been raped....

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对孩子的“心灵暴力”是家庭教育中普遍存在而又未引起重视的问题。它是指在青少年成长过程中,影响其心理健康发展的、身体伤害以外的暴力行为。在我的工作经历中,发现不少孩子都曾受到过各种形式的心灵暴力,致使很多青少年无端端地生活在自卑和焦虑中。那么,发生在我们身边的、常见的心灵暴力行为有哪些呢? 威胁恐吓孩子。用要挟的话或手段威胁孩子是家长教育孩子时常常采用的一种错误方法。...

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家长不必夸大孩子 对小动物的不善意行为 在德国,爱护小动物是许多德国幼童接受的“善良教育”的第一课。在孩子刚刚学会走路时,不少德国家庭就特意为孩子喂养了小狗、小猫、小兔、小金鱼等小动物,并让孩子在亲自照料小动物的过程中,学会体贴入微地照顾弱小的生命。幼儿园往往也会饲养各种小动物,由孩子们轮流负责喂养,还要求孩子们注意观察小动物的成长、发育和游戏,有条件的还须做好&ldqu...

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