英文欣赏之人生感悟 (26)暴风雨的荣光

Glories of the Storm 暴风雨的荣光 It begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness.Everything has suddenly gone quiet. 起初,有一种平静的感觉悄然爬上我的心头。 Birds do not chirp. Leaves donot rustle. 世间万物,顿趋沉寂。鸟儿不再啁啾,树叶不再飒飒, Insects do not sing. 昆虫不再吟唱。 The air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. 整天灼热的空气格外沉闷,...

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睡前读首诗 (7)贝多芬第六交响曲第四乐章《暴风雨》

He didn't notice when clouds began to form. 他没有注意到天边飘来的乌云。 The birds flew in circles above us. 鸟儿在我们的上空盘旋。 The wind pulled at our coats. The sky got very black. 风呼啦呼啦刮进我们的外套。天越来越黑。 We stood beneath a tree and watched a storm. 我们站在树下,看着风儿肆虐狂吼。 And now Mr. Beethoven has gone for the summer. 现在贝多芬先生去避暑了...

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