TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(2)

We brought it on air in November 2009. 我们在2009年11月的时候播出了这个节目。 But no, this was far more attractive. 但其实,这节目火了起来。 This is the five biggest TV channels in Norway on a normal Friday,and if you look at NRK2 over here,look what happened when they put on the Bergen Railway show: 这张图是挪威平常周五当天五大电视频道的收视状况,看到NRK2没?看到他们播出卑...

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TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(5)

They did not succeed,but remember the old Norwegian saying,it's not whether you win or lose that counts. 失败了呀。不过大家要记得那句挪威古语云:成败不重要, In fact, nothing counts, and death is coming for us all. 其实,什么都不重要,因为人终有生老病死。 Exactly. So why does this stand out? 此言极是。那么这个节目出彩在哪里呢? This is so completely different to other TV...

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TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(1)

Thank you. 谢谢大家。 I have only got 18 minutes to explain something that lasts for hours and days,so I'd better get started. 我只有18分钟的时间来讲一件持续了数天数夜的事情,所以最好述不宜迟, Let's start with a clip from Al Jazeera's Listening Post. 我们先来看一段来自Al Jazeera监听站的短片。 Richard Gizbert: Norway is a country that gets relatively little media...

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TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(3)

This guy, for instance,he's head of research at the University in Troms? 比如说这个家伙,他是特罗姆瑟大学的科研带头人。 And I will show you a piece of cloth,this one. 我给你们看看这块布条,就是这个。 It's the other strong memory. 这是另外一段深刻的记忆, It belongs to a guy called Erik Hansen. 它属于这个叫Erik Hansen的人。 And it's people like those two who took ...

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TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(4)

But it's a long program,so some watched part of it, like the Prime Minister. 不过它真的是一部很长的节目,所以有些人只看了其中一部分,比如咱的首相大人, Some watched a little bit more. 还有的呢,看得稍微久一点, It says, I haven't used my bed for five days. 那人说,我已经五天没上床了。 And he's 82 years old, and he hardly slept. 他已经82岁了,为了看节目就没怎么睡...

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