
In 1932, the Bank of France asked the United States to convert their holdings from dollars into gold. 1932年时,法兰西银行向美国提出申请,希望把银行中的美元兑换成黄金。 But it was too inconvenient to think about actually shipping all of that gold over to Europe. 但想想看,要把数额巨大的黄金运回欧洲,这是件多么困难的事。 So instead, someone went to where that gol...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(5)

Now, with RFIDs and other things — whatever technology it is, it doesn’t really matter. 到那个时候,我们使用无线射频辨识系统(RFID)但用什么技术都无妨。 The point is that everything will have embedded in it some sensor connecting it to the machine, and so we have, basically, an Internet of things. 关键是每一样东西都将内建连接到这部机器,于是,我们就基本...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(7)

We recently saw a case where some researchers made the H5N1 avian influenza virus more potent. 我们最近观察到一个案例,发现一些研究员将H5N1禽流感病毒变得更强效。 It already has a 70 percent mortality rate if you get it, but it’s hard to get. 如果你受它感染,你的死亡概率已经会达到70%,但是它并不轻易传染。 Engineers, by moving around a small number of genetic changes, we...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(1)

I study the future of crime and terrorism, and frankly, I’m afraid. I’m afraid by what I see. 我研究的是犯罪和恐怖主义的未来。坦白地说,我感到害怕。我对我在研究中了解到的事情感到害怕。 I sincerely want to believe that technology can bring us the techno-utopia that we’ve been promised, 我真诚地希望自己能够相信,科技可以带给我们对我们的承诺中的科技乌托邦。 bu...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(6)

So how will criminals abuse this? Well, with synthetic biology you can do some pretty neat things. 那么罪犯将如何滥用这项技术呢?利用合成生物学,你能做一些相当优雅的事情。 For example, I predict that we will move away from a plant-based narcotics world to a synthetic one. 例如,我预测我们将会离开这个植物配方毒品的时代而进入合成毒品的时代。 Why do you need the plants anymore?...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(2)

But perhaps that’s not the case. Perhaps instead, it’s the distortions brought to us of what’s really going on. 但事实或许并不是这样,我们所接受的信息是被扭曲的。 Perhaps the tremendous progress we’ve made over the last century by a series of forces are, 我们的社会在上世纪一系列事件的影响下,所经历的巨大的进步正在不断加速, in fact, accelerating to a ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(4)

So let me go through those three things. First of all, we have all these things in our hands. 让我一一说明。第一,我们手上握着不少东西, We think they’re all separate devices, but in fact, every screen in the world is looking into the one machine. 我们认为它们是独立的,但事实上,世界上所有的屏幕都进入这一步机器查询。 These are all basically portals into that one machin...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(3)

Underpinning much of this is technology, and of late, exponentially growing technologies. 而这一切的基础是科技。和近代指数式增长的科技。 My good friend Ray Kurzweil showed that any tool that becomes an information technology jumps on this curve, 我的好朋友雷·库兹威尔展示了任何信息科技的工具 都遵从这条曲线, on Moore’s Law, and experiences price performance doubling eve...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(4)

Of course, it’s not just about stealing things. There are other avenues of technology that criminals can exploit. 当然,不单单是偷取东西。还有很多的科技途径可供罪犯开发。 Many of you will remember this super cute video from the last TED, but not all quadcopter swarms are so nice and cute. 你们中的很多人将会铭记这段在最近的TED里,播放的非常可爱的视频,然而不是所有的四轴...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(1)

(Video) Announcer: Threats, in the wake of Bin Laden’s death, have spiked. (视频)播音员:在本拉登被击毙后,恐怖威胁数量激增。 Famine in Somalia. Announcer Three: Police pepper spray. 索马里出现饥荒。警察使用胡椒喷雾。 Vicious cartels. Caustic cruise lines. Societal decay. 凶恶的毒枭。破裂的游轮。社会风气败坏。 65 dead. Announcer Eight: Tsunami warning. Announcer Nine...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(2)

We consistently underestimate what criminals and terrorists can do. 我们一直低估了罪犯和恐怖分子能做到的事情。 Technology has made our world increasingly open, and for the most part, that’s great, but all of this openness may have unintended consequences. 科技已经让我们的世界越来越开放。当然,在大多数情况下,这是好事,但是这个开放性也可能会造成始料未及的后果...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(8)

So, the last thing I want to talk about is this idea that we’re going to be codependent. 最后一个概念是,相互依存。 It’s always going to be there, and the closer it is, the better. If you allow Google to, it will tell you your search history. 它永远都在,越近越好。如果你授权谷歌,它可以给你,你的搜索记录。 And I found out by looking at it that I sear...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(3)

If you look at what happened — this little black line is as fast as man ever flew, 如果你看一看发生了什么 — 这条小黑线和人们曾经飞行的速度一样快, and the red line is top-of-the-line military fighters and the blue line is commercial air transport. 这条红线代表军队里速度最快的飞行员,蓝色代表商业飞机运输。 You notice here’s a big jump when I was...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马丁·里斯:这是我们最后的世纪吗?(7)

As I should have shown this earlier, it will not be humans who witness the end point of the sun; it will be creatures as different from us as we are from bacteria. 我前面曾指出的一点是,人类将不能见证太阳的最后生命时刻,那时的生物与我们的差别将和我们现在与细菌间的差别一样悬殊。 When Einstein died in 1955, one striking tribute to his global status was this cartoon by H...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 凯文·凯利:谈未来5000天后的网络世界(7)

We’re now entering to the third stage, which is what I’m talking about, and that is where we link the data. 现在我们要进入第三阶段,我们连接资料的地方。 So, I don’t know what the name of this thing is. I’m calling it the one machine. But we’re linking data. 我不知道这个东西的名字,先叫它”同一机器“,我们开始连结资料。 So we’re ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马丁·里斯:这是我们最后的世纪吗?(6)

We need not just campaigning physicists, but we need biologists, computer experts and environmentalists as well. 我们不仅需要参加竞选的物理学家,还需要有生物学家,计算机专家和环境保护者们共同参与。 And I think academics and independent entrepreneurs have a special obligation because they have more freedom than those in government service, or company employees subject ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(2)

Let’s take a snapshot at aviation. And there was a wonderful little short four-year time period when marvelous things happened. 让我们迅速回览一下航空工业。曾有四年短暂的美好时期,那时发生了许多奇迹。 It started in 1908, when the Wright brothers flew in Paris, and everybody said, “Ooh, hey, I can do that.” 那段时期开始于1908年,当怀特兄弟在巴黎飞...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马克·古德曼:展望未来犯罪(8)

Law enforcement is currently a closed system. It’s nation-based, while the threat is international. 执法活动在当下仍属一个封闭的系统。它虽以国家为基础,但威胁是国际性的。 Policing doesn’t scale globally. At least, it hasn’t, and our current system of guns, border guards, big gates and fences are outdated in the new world into which we’re moving...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 伯特·鲁坦: 预见太空未来(1)

I want to start off by saying, Houston, we have a problem. We’re entering a second generation of no progress in terms of human flight in space. 我想从这里开始,休斯顿,我们有个问题。我们已经有二十年没有进展了,在人类太空飞行方面。 In fact, we’ve regressed. We stand a very big chance of losing our ability to inspire our youth to go out and continue this ver...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 马丁·里斯:这是我们最后的世纪吗?(5)

In fact, some years ago, Bill Joy wrote an article expressing tremendous concern about robots taking us over, etc. 事实上在几年前,比尔乔伊在一篇文章中表达了对机器人将取代我们的极大关注,等等。 I don’t go along with all that, but it’s interesting that he had a simple solution. 我并不完全同意他的观点,但让人感兴趣的是他给出了一个简单的解决方案。 It wa...

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