
You’ve got that right Mr. President, I am a proud Duke alumni. Just to get the energy level up here a little bit, how about you join me in the following chant that I wouldn’t mind if they could hear down on Franklin Street. Here we go… Let’s go Duke! Let’s go Duke! Let’s go Duke! Let’s go Duke! Let’s go Duke! Alright! Way to go 2014. You know, I’m a keen observer of my...

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This is Duke University President Brodhead, Trustees, and members of the Duke University Community It is so fantastic to be back here at my alma mater 这里是杜克大学布罗德海德校长 董事会及杜克大学的老师同学们能回到母校真是太妙了 I am really grateful for the honorary degree and I'm especially grateful to be able to address the graduating class Let me start by saying to th...

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We were reading all these morbidity and mortality ratios but in 2001, I want to take my first foundation trip to really see the people behind the statistics 分析所有这些发病率和死亡率数据但在2001年 我第一次从基金会走出去真正看到数据背后真实的人 I went to India and Thailand and so when I was in the foot of the Himalayas I was in a village. I toured the village most of the day...

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Was that they were not like us but as a result of this ongoing communications revolution your worlds really can be neighborhood 是同我们完全不一样的生物一样但随着这场通讯革命的推进世界将真的可以变为邻里 So that ethical commitment that Dr. King spoke out it's yours to live up to Now what does it mean to make of this world a brotherhood and a sisterhood? 从而让金牧师所说的...

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And what that allows you to do though is to connect directly with literally millions of people On the internet, you can read what each other's reading 毫不夸张 这为你们提供了直接同数百万人直接建立联系提供了可能性互联网上 你可以读别人所读的书籍文章 You can share the same music you can watch the same TV shows you can immerse yourselves in one another's lives 你们可以听...

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Coding away, seeing who could go the fastest, write the most efficient code I think you call it today probably a hackathon And whoever lost that contest would have to go down the hall 比赛写代码 看谁的代码最快 最高效今天你们好像把它叫作hackathon(编程马拉松)比赛输掉的人 惩罚是到礼堂 And touch mutant frog being grown by the biology department So the personal computer and later...

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Paul Farmer the Duke graduate I admire most I think most of you know him 保罗.法默是我最钦佩的一位杜克毕业生我想你们大多数人都听说过他 He's a doctor and a global health innovator He spends his time between Boston, Haiti, Rwanda He's now trying to fix or completely change the Rwandan health system 他是一名医生 一名全球健康革新者他把大部分时间都花在波士顿 海地 卢旺达他...

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Taught me that Paul had made the moral choice to do the deep connection to do that hard work to understanding that love is part of healing All those little small acts that Paul did and his staff 保罗做的是一种道德选择 希望建立更深的人际联系更努力去理解 爱其实也是治疗的一部分保罗及其团队所做的一切看似微小 Those are born out of a big idea and that is the dignity of all people ...

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Particularly to the landmarks here the Duke Gardens, I often went there to study and when I was stressed out for those finals 特别是这里的地标杜克公园 我读书时经常到那里学习也经常到那里缓解期末考试的压力 Yesterday, I went there in the afternoon after the rain to get centered before this speech but besides the landmarks 昨天下午的雨后 我又去了那里为这次演讲做准备不过除了地标...

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There are zeros and ones I'm a one 这里有0也有1我是一个1 You're a one my friend in the Himalayas she's a one 你是一个1我的喜马拉雅朋友她也是一个1 Martin Luther King Jr. He was not a computer programmer so he called this concept a brotherhood 马丁.路德.金他不是一位计算机程序员他的理想是全世界情同手足 His hope was that college students would bring a brotherhood int...

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But I want to encourage you to reject these cynics who say that technology is flattening your experience of the world Please don't let anyone make you think that you're any less somehow shallow 不过我劝你们别听这些讽世者的别听他们说什么 科技正在毁灭你们的真实世界体验有些人仅仅因为你喜欢经常更新状态 Because you like to update your status on a regular basis The people ...

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