Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :政治和程序设计的相似点

I went to college. 我上大学了 I went to University of Missouri-Rolla initially. 我最初去了密苏里大学罗拉分校 I was deciding between political science 我那时要在政治学和 at the time and computer 计算机科学 science because 中做出选择,因为 I have always been fascinated by cities and at 我一直为城市着迷 some point want to maybe potentially go into government 我潜意识里有些想去...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :推特的诞生

So, just random contract jobs until 所以,我一直在打零工 I discovered this company called Odeo, 直到我找到了一家叫奥德奥的公司 which was run by Evan Williams. 它是埃文·威廉姆斯经营的 Biz Stone was joining in a few months. 比孜·斯通几个月后也加入了进来 It was a consumer podcasting company. 这是个消费者播客公司 I had never written a resume before. 我从没有写过简历 I had no int...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :CEO就像总编

But by editorial, 说到编辑 I mean there are a thousand things that we could 我是指我们正在做的1000件事里 be doing but there's only one or two that are important 只有一两件是重要的 All of these ideas and 来自用户的 all of these stories from our users, 工程师的,支持者的 from engineers, from support people, 各种想法和故事 from designers are going to constantly flood 会不断...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :付款是一种交流方式

But the interesting thing I realized along the way 我渐渐意识到一个很有趣的事实: is that payment is another form of communication. 付款是另一种交流方式 It's another exchange of value. 是另一种价值交换 The really interesting thing about payments in the 金融界的付款很有趣 financial world is no one has really designed it. 因为它不是什么人设计出来的 If you think about it, 不...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :对实时数据的狂热

When I was growing up, 虽然我已经长大 But it was still a joy and a wonder to me. 我还是对它很好奇,觉得它很有趣 You had skyscrapers and 它具有摩天大楼 you had all of this hidden energy. 和所有这些隐藏的能量 Just walking around,you could feel something different. 就随便走走,你都会觉得不同 That sort of love and 这种爱和 that obsession was made most tangible by maps. 和困惑因...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :向投资者展示工作成果

The thing that really inspires people 真正激发人们灵感的是 is a working product. 用起来得心应手的产品 When you're pitching someone, 当你向别人推荐产品的时候 the best thing you can do is 最好的办法就是 show them something that works. 向他们展示好用的东西 We did this with Twitter. 我们就是这么推广推特的 We had a great number of users. 我们有很多用户 We had a great number o...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :促使Square产生的想法

In 2008 I stepped into the chairman role of Twitter. 2008年我成为推特的老板 There was an interesting thing that was happening. 发生了一件很有趣的事情 The entire market was crushing. 整个市场都开始下滑 So, all of these financial obstructions that we 所以我们所有的金融障碍 had built up were suddenly being swept away. 都忽然消失了 There is no better time to start a new company ...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :错误时间产生的好想法

That is really where a lot of my focus has been on. 我把很多精力放在这上面 It's visualizing data, visualizing information, 这些数据和信息变得看得见,摸得着 moving around in real time. 在不断实时运转着 I took that concept and eventually 我接受了这个概念 in 2000 realized that I had 最终在2000年我意识到 this beautiful picture of the city 我虽然勾画出了这个城市的美丽图景 but...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :一个开始里包含很多开始

I think of Square as a platform that's 我觉得Square是一个很好的平台 going to build an ecosystem around it. 可以围绕它打造一个很好的生态系统 We're going to be very, very good 我们会变得非常善于 about releasing strong and 发行关于怎样开发东西的有力的 clear APIs on how to build things. 清晰的应用程序接口 The best thing that you can do is 你能做的最佳之事就是 hook someth...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :做让人出乎预料的人

It really reminds me of 这让我想起 one of my favorite quotes of all time. 我一直最喜欢的一句话 I'm not really sure who said it but 我并不确定是谁说的 it's in a Lynda Barry novel called "Cruddy". 不过确信这是在林达·巴里的小说《压花》里的话 I think it speaks very highly of 我觉得它高度赞扬了 what we all do as entrepreneurs 我们企业家在做的事情 and what we all...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :营销–让产品展示自己

One, the marketing strategy. 第一,市场策略 We have not done any marketing whatsoever just yet. 我们还没有做任何市场营销 So, a lot of it has been word of mouth. 所以很多都是口口相传 By the way, 顺便说一下 starting a startup after Twitter is 创业在推特出现之后变得 so much easier than before 更加容易了 because you have an amazing way 因为推特不仅能帮助你 not just to promote th...

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Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :变成更好的讲故事的人

The biggest thing for me on that path 在我看来,这条路上最重要的莫过于 is I needed to draw 是需要描绘出一些东西 something out and I needed to get it out of my head. 再把它们忘却 I found myself very early on thinking about something, 我发现我自己很早就想到一些东西 like thinking about this early idea for Twitter 比如我早年对推特的想法 and saying to myself, 我还会对自己说 "...

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