
The three writers I wanted to meet were Carole Maso, Lynne Tillman and Peggy Phelan. 我想见的三位作家是卡罗尔·马索,琳恩·蒂尔曼和佩吉·费伦。 These were not famous, best-selling authors, 她们不算是最知名和畅销的作家, but to me, they were women-writer titans. 但是我把她们奉若神明。 Carole Maso wrote the book that later became my art bible. 卡罗尔·马索的书后来成为了我的艺术指...

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The radiance falls on all of us, and we are nothing without each other. 只有和大家团结在一起,每个人才是光芒四射的。 Instead, I flew back to Oregon, 可现实是,我飞回了俄勒冈, and as I watched the evergreens and rain come back into view, 看着窗外的雨拍打着常青树 I just drank many tiny bottles of airplane "feel sorry for yourself." 我不禁借酒浇愁。 I thought about h...

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So you see, I'd missed fitting in to just about every category out there: 可以看到我与所有的生活格格不入: daughter, wife, mother, scholar. 作为女儿,作为妻子,作为妈妈,作为学者。 And the dream of being a writer was really kind of like a small, sad stone in my throat. 而想要成为作家的梦想也一直如鲠在喉。 It was pretty much in spite of myself that I got on that plane 我...

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I was thinking about all the ways I'd already screwed my life up. 我在考虑以前把我的生活毁了的各种方式。 Who the hell was I to go to New York City and pretend to be a writer? 那个要去纽约装作是一位作家的我到底是谁? Who was I? 我是谁? I'll tell you. 我来告诉各位。 I was a misfit. 我是一位不适者。 Like legions of other children, 就像千千万万其他的孩子, I came from a...

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The whole time he was talking to me, 整个谈话期间 I sat there smiling and nodding like a numb idiot, 我麻木的像个傻子。 with my arms crossed over my chest, 双手交叉在胸前, while nothing, nothing, nothing came out of my throat. 不住地微笑和点头,却一句话都不说, So in the end, he patted me on the shoulder like a swim coach might. 最后他像一个游泳教练一样 拍了拍我的肩膀。 And...

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In it are the stories of how many times I've had to reinvent a self from the ruins of my choices, 书里讲述的是我如何在人生选择的废墟中重生的故事。 the stories of how my seeming failures were really just weird-ass portals to something beautiful. 书里讲述的是那些我的失败如何奇迹般地通向美好的故事。 All I had to do was give voice to the story. 我要做的就是让大家听到我的故事...

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On the last night, I gave a big reading at the National Poetry Club. 在最后一天晚上,我在全国诗歌俱乐部做了一场读书会。 And at the end of the reading, 在读书会结束的时候, Katharine Kidde of Kidde, Hoyt And Picard Literary Agency, 凯德公司的凯瑟琳·凯德和霍伊特与皮卡德文学社的人 walked straight up to me and shook my hand and offered me representation, like, on the spot. 径直...

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So I know TED is about a lot of things that are big, 我知道TED总是谈一些大事 but I want to talk to you about something very small. 但是我想讲一件微不足道的小事 So small, it's a single word. 小到只有一个词 The word is "misfit." “不适者。” It's one of my favorite words, because it's so literal. 这是我最喜欢的词,因为简单明了 I mean, it's a person who ...

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