Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 4

If you watch young children, you'll immediately notice how honest they are. 如果你留意小孩,你会立刻发现他们是多么的诚实。 My friend Betsy from my section a few years after business school was pregnant with her second child. 我的一个HBS小组里的朋友Betsy在毕业后几年怀上了第二个孩子。 And her first child, Sam, was about five and he looked around and said, "Mommy, wher...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 2

Now ordinary people have voice, not just those of us lucky enough to go to HBS, but anyone with access to Facebook, to Twitter, to a mobile phone. 现在普通人也可以获得话语权。不仅是那些能到HBS读书的幸运儿,而是任何能上Facebook,Twitter或者有手机的人。 This is disrupting traditional power structures and leveling traditional hierarchy. 这正在打破传统的权利结构,让传统的阶层界...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 5

Why don't you come in with a list of what you want to discuss." 把你想讨论的事列出来就行。 But everyone ignored me and they kept doing their presentations meeting after meeting, month after month. 但是所有人都无视我的要求,仍然在做PPT,就这样一个又一个会议,一个月又一个月,没有改变。 So about two years in, I said, "OK, I hate rules but I have a rule: no more Po...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 3

When I was first at Facebook, a woman named Lori Goler, a 1997 graduate of HBS, was working in marketing at eBay and I knew her kind of socially. 我刚到Facebook的时候,97届HBS的校友Lori Goler还在eBay做市场营销。我和认识了她并且知道善于交际。 She called me and said, "I want to think about you know talk with you about coming to work with you at Facebook. 她打电话给我说,“...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 1

It's an honor to be here today to address HBS's distinguished faculty, proud parents, patient guests, and most importantly, the class of 2012. 今天很荣幸来到这里为尊敬的哈佛商学院(HBS)的教授们,自豪的毕业生家长们和耐心的来宾们,尤其是为今年的毕业生们演讲。 Today was supposed to be a day of unbridled celebration and I know that's no longer true. 今天原本应该是狂...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 6

As you graduate today, ask yourself, how will you lead. Will you use simple and clear language? Will you seek out honest feedback? 在你们毕业的今天,问自己你将如何去领导,你会用简单明了的语言?你会追寻真实的反馈? When you get honesty feedback, will you react with anger or with gratitude? 当你得到真实的反馈,你会愤怒还是感激? As we strive to be more authentic in our communi...

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Facebook COO桑德伯格演讲 7

We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities compared to men and for women, but not men, success and likeability are negatively correlated. 我们要讨论女性相比男性为什么会低估自己的能力。而且和男性不同,对于女性,成功和受欢迎程度是反向相关的。 That means that as a woman is more successful in your workplaces, she will be less liked. 这意味着一个女性在...

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Google had no business units Google就没有业务部 so what was there to generally manage? 那要我去总管什么呢? And the job was several levels lower 何况那职位 than jobs I was being offered at other companies 比我在其他公司得到的offers都要低好几级 So I sat down with Eric Schmidt 后来我和当时刚刚上任的CEO who had just become the CEO 艾里克·施密特见了面 and I showed him the spread...

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One of the many examples Kash used to explain the concept 其中Kash用来解释 社交化营销 概念的例子 of social marketing was the lack of organ donors in this country 就是美国在器官捐赠方面的不足 which kills 18 people every single day 每天因此有18人死亡 Earlier this month 本月早些时候 Facebook launched a tool to support organ donations Facebook推出了一款支持器官捐赠的工具 somethi...

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Mine moved quickly 我的世界变化很快 yours moves even more quickly 你的世界变化更快 As traditional structures are breaking down 在这个传统结构正被打破的时代 leadership has to evolve as well 领导班子也需要演变 from hierarchy to shared responsibility 从设立阶层到责任共享 from command and control to listening and guiding 从命令与控制到聆听和引导 You've been trained by this g...

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So instead I want to know what's your biggest problem 所以我就想知道什么是你现在最棘手的问题 and how can I solve it 我又该如何帮你解决这个问题 My jaw hit the floor 我感动得五体投地 I'd hired thousands of people up to that point in my career 那时我一路过来 雇了上千人 but no one had ever said anything like that 但是从来没有人对我这样说过 I had never said anything like ...

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Not just those of us lucky enough to go to HBS 不仅是那些能到HBS读书的幸运儿 but anyone with access to Facebook, to Twitter, to a mobile phone 而是任何能上Facebook Twitter或者有手机的人 This is disrupting traditional power structures 这正在打破传统的权利结构 and leveling traditional hierarchy 让传统的阶层界限变得模糊 Voice and power are shifting from institutions to individu...

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So I speak about it openly and that gives people permission 后来我就主动地谈论这个缺点 to tell me when it's happening 让大家来认同我 因而可以在我焦躁时告诫我 But if I never said anything 但是如果我对此一句不提 would anyone who works at Facebook walk up to me and say 会有Facebook的员工 走上来对我说 Hey Sheryl, calm down 嘿 谢丽尔 冷静点 You're driving us all nuts! I d...

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Simple and clear and super important for him to know 简单明了 而且非常重要 需要让马克知道 People rarely speak this clearly 在工作或者生活中 in the workforce or in life 人们很少会把话说那么明了 And as you get more senior 尤其是当你的级别上升后 not only will people speak less clearly to you 人们不仅不会和你把话说清楚 but they will overreact to the small things you say 还会对你...

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It's easy to say that you're going to encourage feedback 当然说鼓励反馈容易 but it's hard to do 做起来难 because unfortunately it doesn't always 因为听到的反馈 come in a format we want to hear it 往往不是我们想要的那种 When I first started at Google 当我刚开始在Google工作时 I had a team of four people 我的团队里面有四个人 and it was really important to me 所...

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I try to be myself honest about my strengths and weaknesses 我努力做真实的自己 直面我的优点和缺点 and I encourage others to do the same 我会鼓励别人也这么做 It is all professional and it is all personal 一切都与职业相关 也都与个人相关 all at the very same time 两者无时无刻不交融在一起 As part of bringing my whole self to work 作为带着完整的自己去上班的一部分努力 I recently s...

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Please join me and welcome Sheryl Sandberg 请和我一起欢迎谢丽尔·桑德伯格 Thank you, thank you Catherine 谢谢 谢谢你 凯瑟琳 It's an honor to be here today 今天很荣幸来到这里 to address HBS's distinguished faculty 为尊敬的哈佛商学院的教员 proud parents, patient guests 自豪的毕业生家长和耐心的来宾们 and most importantly, the class of 2012 尤其是为今年的毕业生们演讲 Toda...

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As adults, we are never this honest 作为成年人 我们从不如此直接 And that's not a bad thing 这未必是件坏事 I have borne two children 我也是两个孩子的妈妈 and the last thing I needed were those comments 我最不想听到的恐怕就是这些评论 which obviously could be made 当然这些评论用在我身上也确实没错 But it's not always a good thing either 但是那也不总是件好事 Because all o...

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We need to start talking about how women underestimate their abilities 我们要讨论 女性相比男性 compared to men and for women 为什么会低估自己的能力 but not men 而且和男性不同 success and likeability are negatively correlated 对于女性 成功和受欢迎程度是反向相关的 That means that as a woman is more successful in your workplaces 这意味着一个女性在事业上越成功 she will be less l...

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We need more women not just to sit at the table 我们需要更多的女性不仅仅坐在会议桌旁 but as President Obama said 而且要像奥巴马总统 a few weeks ago at Barnard 几周前在Barnard学校说的那样 to take their rightful seats at the head of the table 去光明正大地坐到主座上去 One of the reasons I was so excited to be here today 我今天来这里十分激动的另一个原因是 is that Dean Nohria tol...

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