
One example is a trick in which a gene allows a cell, even as the drug approaches the cell, 有一个例子很神奇,基因能让细胞在药物接近之前, to push the drug out, before the drug can have any effect. 把药物推开,药物根本来不及起任何作用。 Imagine — the cell effectively spits out the drug. 就好比细胞一口把药吐出去。 This is just one example of the many ...

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Cancer affects all of us — especially the ones that come back over and over again, 癌症是我们每个人的大敌–尤其是那些不断复发的, the highly invasive and drug-resistant ones, the ones that defy medical treatment, 容易扩散的,具有抗药性的癌症,药物治疗对它们无效, even when we throw our best drugs at them. 即使我们用最好的药也无济于事。 Engineeri...

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But there is one more big obstacle we have to think about. 但前方还有一个大障碍需要跨越。 In fact, it may be the biggest obstacle of all. 而且,也许是最大的一个障碍。 How do we deploy this superweapon? 我们该如何部署这件超级武器? I mean, every good weapon needs to be targeted, 每一件武器都要设定目标, we have to target this superweapon to the superv...

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What’s great about this approach is that it can be personalized. 这种方法最大的好处就是可以定制。 We can add many different layers of siRNA to address different mutations and tumor defense mechanisms. 我们可以添加多重siRNA,分别针对不同的变异和防御机制。 And we can put different drugs into the nanoparticle core. 我们还可以在内核中放入不同种类的药物。 ...

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The siRNA is deployed first. It acts for hours, giving enough time to silence and block those survival genes. siRNA首先开始行动。它需要几个小时,来让(癌细胞的)生存基因失效。 We have now disabled those genetic superpowers. 我们去除了(癌细胞的)基因超能力。 What remains is a cancer cell with no special defenses. 只剩下没有防御的癌细胞。 Then, the chemothe...

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So, here’s our strategy. First, we’ll dose the cancer cell with siRNA, the gene blocker, 因此,我们的策略如下。首先,我们将siRNA–基因拦截者,用在癌细胞身上, and silence those survival genes, and then we’ll whop it with a chemo drug. 让(癌细胞的)生存基因失效,然后我们再用化学药品来对付癌细胞。 But how do we carry that out? 但如何实现...

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As a researcher, I usually don’t get to work with patients. 作为一名研究者,我通常很少与病人接触。 But I recently met a mother who is an ovarian cancer survivor, Mimi, and her daughter, Paige. 但最近我遇到了一位母亲,她叫咪咪,是一名卵巢癌幸存者,她有个女儿叫佩吉。 I was deeply inspired by the optimism and strength that both mother and daughter displayed a...

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绝大多数时候,孩子哭并不是因为他们真正受到了伤害,而是想通过“掉眼泪”得到父母的关注。因此,家长要善于识破孩子的小聪明,不被孩子的眼泪所蒙蔽,更不要由于孩子的眼泪而改变自己原来的决定。 南南本来是个很乖巧的小女孩,成天都是乐呵呵的。最近一段时间,南南突然变得特别容易哭,只要遇到不顺心的事,比如想买一条漂亮裙子,爸爸不让她把动画片看完,或者自己不小心摔倒了,她都会大哭...

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批评是一种锐利的思想武器,它能够帮助他人消除思想道德上的污点,塑造完善的人格。在实际工作中,一定要注意发挥这一思想武器的作用。 要正确认识批评的涵义。批评就是把他人的缺点和错误指出来,帮助他改正。批评包含“批”和“评”两层意思。“批”就是对其错误言行加以批判、否定,使其认识到自己的错误所带来的不良影响和危害。“评”就是帮其分析错误的性质...

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