新东方英语美文背诵 第24篇:Work and Pleasure

Work and Pleasure To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: “I will take an interest in this or that.” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any ...

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新东方英语美文背诵 第16篇:Abundance is a Life Style

Abundance is a Life Style Abundance is a life style, a way of living your life. It isn’t something you buy now and then or pull down from the cupboard, dust off and use once or twice, and then return to the cupboard. Abundance is a philosophy; it appears in your physiology, your value system, and carries its own set of beliefs. You walk with it, sleep with it, bath with it, ...

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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sanader of Croatia in Zagreb, Croatia  PRIME MINISTER SANADER: (Speaking in Croatian, no translation.)  PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. It’s really good to be with you again. I remember very fondly our visit to the Oval Office.  (Interpreter speaking.)  PRIME MINISTER SANADER: No, there is no need.  PRESIDENT...

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President Bush Visits Silverado Cable Company, Discusses Economy, Tax Relief  THE PRESIDENT: I’ve come to Silverado for a couple of reasons: One, to remind our fellow citizens how important small businesses are to the backbone of our economy. These two brothers started this company with five employees —  MR. BOB SIMPSON: Five employees.  THE PRESIDENT: How man...

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President Bush Discusses Cuba, Marks Day of Solidarity   THE PRESIDENT: Bienvenidos. Thanks for coming to mark this Day of Solidarity with the Cuban People. This is a day of pride, as we honor the culture and history of a noble nation. It is a day of sorrow, as we reflect on the continued oppression of the Cuban people. Most of all, this is a day of hope. We have hope bec...

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President Bush Attends World Economic Forum  THE PRESIDENT: Klaus, thank you very much. Thanks for inviting me. Klaus said, it’s about time you showed up. Proud to be here. Laura and I are so honored that, Klaus, you gave us a chance to come. I do want to thank President Mubarak and Mrs. Mubarak for their wonderful hospitality. I want to thank the members of Congress ...

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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I’m speaking to you from the Middle East, where I have been meeting with friends and allies. We’re discussing how we can work together to confront the extremists who threaten our future. And I have encouraged them to take advantage of the historic opportunity we have before us to advance peace, freedom, and security in this vital part...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:Address on Taking the Oath of Office

Gerald R. Ford Address on Taking the Oath of the U.S. Presidency delivered 9 August 1974 East Room of the White House, Washington, D.C. [Oath of Office administered by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger] Mr. Chief Justice, my dear friends, my fellow Americans: The oath that I have taken is the same oath that was taken by George Washington and by every President under the Consti...

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PRESIDENT BUSH: It’s been my honor to welcome to the Oval Office the President and First Lady of a close friend of the United States. Mr. President, thank you for coming.  We’ve had a good discussion about a variety of issues. We discussed bilateral relations between Guatemala and the United States, which are very strong. We are friends. We treat each other with...

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President Bush Meets with President Talabani of Iraq PRESIDENT BUSH: It’s been my honor to welcome a friend, President Talabani, back to the Oval Office. He is the President of a free Iraq. He is a man who’s been on the front lines of helping to unify Iraq and to help Iraq recover from a brutal regime — that of Saddam Hussein. I complimented the President o...

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President Bush Discusses Freedom Agenda THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Please be seated. Henrietta, thank you for the kind introduction. I am honored to join you all today to express America’s solidarity with those who yearn for liberty around the world. Captive Nations Week was first observed in 1959, at a time when Soviet Communism seemed ascendant. Few people at that fir...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:I have a dream(4)

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We c...

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美国经典英文演讲100篇:I have a dream(6)

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."? This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we ...

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每日小短文背诵 (21)沙尘暴(4)

Dust storms are one of the repercussions of humans messing around with Mother Nature. Although they are a natural phenomenon, dust storms have been occurring more often, at shorter intervals, and with greater force in recent years, and human activity is the cause. 沙尘暴就是人类任意破坏大自然,所造成的影响之一。沙尘暴虽是自然现象,但是近年来发生的频率却逐渐增加,间隔的时间也...

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每日小短文背诵 (10)啤酒(1)

Fermented beverages made from various types of grain appeared independently in different locations all over the ancient world from Africa to China. The word beer itself comes from a Latin verb meaning “to drink”, and the ancient Romans were certainly no strangers to the brew. However, because they considered it the drink of barbarians , the Romans generally pref...

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每日小短文背诵 (25)酒精对女性的影响(2)

One important finding is that the enzyme responsible for breaking down alcohol is less active in women. This means that more alcohol winds up in a woman’s bloodstream. Additionally, a woman’s higher ratio of body fat makes alcohol spread through her body more slowly. 一项重要的研究显示,女性体内分解酒精的酶不够活跃。这意味着有较多的酒精会进入女性的血液中,再...

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每日小短文背诵 (24)酒精对女性的影响(1)

Many people assume that women are more greatly affected by alcohol than men because they generally weigh less and have lower rates of drinking. While this is true, researchers have found other ways in which women are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol. 许多人认为酒精对女性的影响比男性大得多,原因在于女性普遍体重较轻,而且喝酒的频率也较低。事实虽然如此,研究人员也...

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每日小短文背诵 (18)沙尘暴(1)

At first glance, dust storms do not seem very fascinating. Winds pick up fine particles from the ground, and then the air becomes thick with dust. What is interesting, though, is that dust storms can travel across the ocean, sometimes from continent to continent. Such dust storms are worth investigating. 乍看之下,沙尘暴似乎不怎么引人注意。地面的细沙被风卷起,空气中便充满厚...

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每日小短文背诵 (26)酒精对女性的影响(3)

This greater sensitivity to alcohol leaves women more prone to alcohol-related illnesses like cirrhosis of the liver and alcohol-induced brain damage. Other worrisome results show a correlation between heavy drinking among women and their rate of sexual victimization and domestic5 violence. While there have always been reasons for women to be careful when drinking alcohol, t...

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每日小短文背诵 (11)啤酒(2)

In ancient times, people who made beer lacked the means to preserve and filter it properly, so the drink was cloudy and turned bad quickly. It was medieval European monks who introduced scientific brewing techniques in an effort to produce a nutritious beverage to supplement their meager diets. 古时的啤酒酿造者缺少良好的保存方法及过滤工具,所以啤酒混浊而且容易变质,正是中世...

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