
We're so conditioned, all of us, to think in terms of the big job, the big salary, 我们所有人都习惯性地想着干大事、拿高薪, in the case of journalism, the big scoop, that we sometimes forget to see the big picture. 比如在新闻界,人人都想搞到独家大新闻,以至于我们有时会忘了看全局。 That came into focus for me on the campus of another college, Virginia Tech, just days afte...

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It was a BU graduate student Lu Lingzi who lost her life along with two other innocent people 一个名叫吕令子的波士顿大学研究生,还有另外两名无辜的受害者,不幸丧生了, on a beautiful April day in your sophomore year while simply watching the Boston Marathon. 就在你们大二那年一个美丽的四月天,就在看波士顿马拉松比赛的时候。 I doubt you will ever forget where you were when those...

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The fallout was fast in coming. 这件事的附带影响很快就出现了。 On the one side I had people, mostly women, 一方面,一些人,多数是女性, who were furious with me for destroying their dream of having it all, for setting back the cause of feminism. 对我相当愤怒,说我完全毁了他们的梦想,让女权事业倒退。 On the other side were those who called me brave for taking a stand for moth...

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The fact is, your generation also has an entitlement problem. 事实是,你们这代人还有一个头衔的问题。 Fairly or not, a large number of businesses don't wanna hire you 无论公平与否,很多企业都不愿雇用你们, because they perceive you to be self entitled, lazy, high maintenance and disloyal. 因为在他们眼里,你们自认为有资格、懒惰、难伺候,而且不忠诚。 As a mother of three tw...

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Listen, you do not know what's about to hit you. And that's the great thing about life. 听着,你不知道会有什么来打击你。这正是生活的美妙之处。 How boring would the journey be if you already knew for sure the final destination? 如果你已经确切地知道最终的目的地,那这趟旅程将会变得多么无聊! Listen, you're terriers. When terriers go for a car ride, they don't kn...

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As for you graduates who already know what you're doing next, who have it all mapped out, don't be so sure. 对于那些已经知道接下来要做什么的毕业生,那些把一切都安排妥当的毕业生,你们也别那么肯定。 Life is famous for throwing curve balls when you least expect them. 大家都知道,生活常在最不经意的时候投给你一记曲线球。 My first big one came on a Friday afternoon. 我是在...

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I thought I had found success in 1989 when, after several years in the business, I arrived at 60 Minutes. 在新闻界工作几年后,我于1989年去了“新闻60分”,我想我就是在那个时候获得成功的。 I had just had our first son, Ben, and this was the only job I had ever truly coveted. 当时我刚刚有了第一个儿子,本,那才是我唯一真正梦寐以求的工作。 I quickly became the media's poster wo...

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You see, I don't normally give speeches, especially ones which require offering advice and inspiration. 你们知道,我通常不做演讲,尤其是那些要给建议、鼓舞人心的演讲。 I'm more "you mother" than I am Mother Theresa. 与其说我像特蕾莎修女,不如说我更像“你们的母亲”。 Just the thought of standing up here gave me such agita that I originally said no. 一想到要站在...

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So if you haven't found a job or decided on a career path yet, don't freak out. 所以,如果你到现在还没有找到工作,或者还没决定走什么样的职业道路,不用担心。 Don't let fear or frustration, or the fact that others around seem to be all set, immobilize you. 不要因为害怕或沮丧,或周围的人似乎都定好了方向而困住自己的步伐。 But do, from this day forward, open yourself ...

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Stay away from affects. Better yet, be the left shark. 不要受他人影响。最好是做左边的那条鲨鱼。 Remember last Super Bowl, when the Patriots won? 还记得去年的超级碗吗,爱国者队赢的那场? Yeah well… well you may be thinking of Tom Brady's deflated balls right now, 是的,好吧。你们现在可能想的是汤姆·布雷迪泄气的球, but I'm thinking of Katy Perry's halftime pe...

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And while I'm on the subject of water creatures, there's an expression they use a lot in the news business. 既然说到了水中生物,那就跟你们说一个新闻界广泛使用的说法, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck. “如果长得像鸭子,游泳像鸭子,叫起来也像鸭子,那么它很可能就是一只鸭子。 Unless it has been auto co...

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