英语演讲比赛(MP3附字幕版):开幕辞Pening Remarks

Ladies and gentleman , good morning and welcome to the 21st Century Erisson Cup Sixth National English Speaking Competition . 女士们,先生们,早上好,欢迎来到"21世纪爱立信杯"第六届全国英语演讲比赛现场. First of all, we'll in introduce ourselves,My names is Rick. 首先,让我们介绍一下自己.我的名字叫里克. Wo Shi Like (Chinese )from China Radio International .Thank you...

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Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen .One day ,in an oral English class my fellow students and I had a heated discussion on the meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. 下午好,女士们,先生们.有一天,在一堂英语口语课上,我和我的同学对北京申办二零零八年奥运会的意义作了激烈的讨论. They contributed different ideas.Some said,"Beijing 's environment with be i...

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Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen : 下午好,女士们,先生们. It's my honor to present my speech here today.The title of my speech is ,"The Essence of Life." 今天能在这里发表我的演说是我的荣幸.我演讲的题目是生命的真谛. Last summer I began to learn play tennis.Though it took me a lot of time to practice,the tremendous pleasure I got from on the tennis court made ...

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Last December ,I were to Boston to visit my parents. One day ,when I was skating at Boston Common , 去年十二月,我去波士顿探望我父母.有一天,当我正在波士顿公园滑冰的时候, I came to know a skating coach by the name of the Joe Toliver , a very nice man. 我认识一个滑冰教授,一个非常好的男人,名字叫乔.托立弗. Joe was teaching serveral boys and girls ,black and white.We talked ,and h...

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Honorable judge ,ladies and gentelemen: 尊敬的评委:女士们,先生们: I must admit that I didn't quite understand the meaning of Beijing's bid until I stand here at this very moment. 我必须承认我并不太理解北京申奥的意义,直到我站在这里的这一刻. Nor did I realize the meaning of competition when I set out to prepare for this contest. 当我开始准备这次演讲时,我也没有意识到比...

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Good morning.Ladies and gentlmen: 女士们,先生们,早上好: In the history of Olmpic Games,there have been many shining stars.Among them was a European girl. 在奥林匹克运动会的历史上,出现了很多耀眼的明星,其中有个欧洲的女孩. With the elapse of time ,her name has faded from our memory ,yet her unbending spirit shall never perish. 随着时间的飞逝,她的名字早被遗忘,然而她不屈不挠的精...

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Honorable judges ,ladies and gentlemen: 尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们: I'd like to begin my speech with a story I read from a newspaper .A chinese writer visited the International Olympic Museum in Switzerland three years ago . 我想以在报纸上看到的一个故事开始.三年前,一个中国作家参观了瑞士国际奥林匹克博物馆. When he went to get the ticket ,he discovered that each ticket bears...

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Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen.Today I 'm gonna talk about dreams .everybody has a dream. 女士们,先生们,下午好.今天我准备谈论一下梦想.人人都拥有一个梦想. Martin Luthe King had a dream-and we can all recall his Civil Rights Speech. 马丁.路德金拥有一个梦想-我们都能回忆起他的民权演讲. Phil Knight had a dream-and now the whole world knows his Nike slogan;"Just Do ...

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Good morning ,honorable judges ,ladies and gentlemen .One hot summer afternoon many years ago, 早上好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们。许多年前的一个炎热的夏天下午, I saw my parents sitting before a small black and white TV set , fixing their eyes on a proceeding volleyball match . 我看见父母坐在一部小黑白电视机前,目不转睛地看着一场正在进行的排球比赛。 They looked attentive ,n...

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Good morning,honorable judges,ladies and gentlemen! 早上好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们! I think you would be very glad to see me ,because I'm the last candidate of this morning . 我想你们会很高兴见到我,因为我是今天早上最后一名选手. After my speech ,all of us can go and enjoy our lunch !So ,let's again ,before I start my speech ,I would like to show you a map. 我的演讲完...

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Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen: 女士们,先生们,下午好: Bidding for the Olympic is ,in a way ,an image-creating undertaking .The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image. 申办奥运会在某种程度上是一个创造形象的重任.首先和最重要的事情就是让人们对这个城市一见钟情,用自己独特的形象吸引他们. What i...

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What makes the world go round?Love?Money ?Energy ?Or science and technology ? 是什么东西让世界延续?爱?金钱?能源?还是科学技术? Yes ,all of them ,but there's another important element, the spirit of courage and determination . 是的,所有这些东西,但还有另外一个关键的因素,勇气和决心。 To illustrate this ,let me share a true story . 为了证实这一点,让我与大家分享一个真...

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Good afternoon ,honorable jusges,ladies and gentlemen : 下午好,尊敬的评委,女士们,先生们: I have admit that when I first saw the title of the speech I was at a loss as to how to begin. 我必须承认当我第一次看到演讲的题目时,我真不知道如何开始. The meaning of Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games,this is certainly too big a topic to be covered in five minutes. 申办二零零...

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大家好!我今天演讲的题目是“与文明同行,做现代公民”,文明是无处在的,所以要与文明同行,做一个现代公民. “爱国,守法,诚信,知礼”现代公民教育活动以马克思主义,毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和”三个代表”重要思想为指导,进一步树立和落实科学发展观,深入贯彻党的十六大,十六届四中全会和省委九届五次全会精神,认真落实《公民道德建设实施纲要》,以”爱国”为核心,”守法R...

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各位领导、各位朋友们大家好: 很荣幸今天能参加这个“勤俭、发展”的主题演讲。在这个庄重而又热烈的会场,我的演讲题目是“做勤廉表率促科学发展。”作为新时代中的一员,感受到我的祖国日新月异的变化。作为十三亿中的一个分子,我由衷的感到自豪与骄傲。在建设富强、美丽新中国的进程中,在全面迈向市场经济的改革大潮中,我们每个人都在经历着时间巨流的考验…… 回首中国文明进化的历史,我们发现了“放之四...

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演讲稿:科学发展 安全生产

各位领导、来宾、朋友们: 你们好﹗很荣幸能参加今天的演讲,现在我演讲的题目是“安全与爱同行”。 安全是什么,安全就是生命。只有确保了安全,生命才会美丽精彩。 说起安全,每个人都知道该怎么做,但是你真正重视了吗?施工中你戴好安全帽了吗?走马路闯红灯了没有?……世上每天都有很多不幸的事情在发生,生命就像珍贵的青花瓷,是那么脆弱,只要一失手就会变成碎片。我们只有更了解生命的意义,才能让不...

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尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 我演讲的题目是:《xxxxxx》 穿越鲜血与烈火的历史烟云,历经建设与改革的风雨洗礼,伟大的中国共产党迎来了她90岁的生日。 回眸历史,在历经几多沧桑、几多磨难、几多屈辱、几多抗争后,终于,在一个杨柳轻拂的七月,在黑沉沉的神州大地上树起了一支熊熊燃烧的火炬,给古老的中华民族带来了光明与希望,她,就是中国共产党。 她是巍巍大厦的栋梁,没有她就只有一堆散乱...

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尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾: 你们好! 很荣幸我能有这样的机会参加今天的演讲。我叫×××,是玉环滚装轮渡有限公司的一名员工。我今天演讲的题目是“让我们安全共渡”。 在这人海人潮、车流滚滚的现实社会中,请问您最需要的是什么?是金钱美女,还是功名利禄,如果允许我来回答,我就说:“我最需要的是安全!”“孩子,要绕过前面的石头。”这是母亲在我蹒跚学步时对我的指点;“当心路上的汽车啊!”这是父亲在我...

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精彩导读:紧张、劳累的工作中,我真正体验到了手术室护士平凡生活的滋味,体验到了其中的艰辛和压力,我苦恼过、迷惘过;苦恼迷惘之后也曾动摇过、退却过,但有一件事深深地触动了我,使我从迷惘中寻回了自我,在退却时坚定了初衷。 各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 很荣幸我能有这样的机会参加今天的演讲,我是手术室的一名普通护士。我演讲的题目是:无影灯下天使情。 记得我刚踏上手术室岗位的时候,心...

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