
爱学校英语演讲稿1   Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.   My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are t...

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  Do you think it’s possible to control someone’s attention? Even more than that, what about predicting human behavior? I think those are interesting ideas, if you could. I mean, for me, that would be the perfect superpower, actually kind of an evil way of approaching it. But for myself, in the past, I’ve spent the last 20 years studying human behavior fr...

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英语演讲稿-01   president clinton, senator clinton, president carter and mrs. carter, president bush and mother governor and mrs. huckabee, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: laura and i are really pleased to be a part of this happy and historic occasion. on this day of dedication, we honor the man from hope, arkansas, who became the 42nd president of the united s...

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  开场白-01、问候听众,介绍自己。   Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentleman, Thank you for being on time / making the effort to come today. Let me introduce myself first. My name is…   I am pleased to be able to welcome you to our company… / May I take this opportunity of thanking you for coming. I’m…   开头问候听众是演讲的基本礼...

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初二英语演讲稿范文3分钟1   hello, boys and girls. my name is shen huiyao. i’m a girl and i’m a student. i’m from qianjia wan. i like yellow, because i like banana. my favorite food is eggs. i like chinese, because i think mr. fan is a good chinese teacher. and i like miss zhou, too.   shy: look, this is my family photo. who’s this woman?   s1: is she your mother?   s...

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英语演讲稿-01   dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year’ s day most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them follow this easy process.   饺子是中国的传统食物。在农历新年,大多数家庭都会包很多美味的饺子。要包成饺子,遵循以下那容易的步骤。   The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready we can begin to ...

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  技巧一、演讲前的准备   首先是要确立一个题目或一个话题。一般演讲赛都分为命题演讲和即兴演讲。如要进行演讲比赛则必须对各个方面加以准备:政治、经济、文化、教育等,找好立意点,拟定题目。做到心中有数。   技巧二、演讲时的姿势   诀窍之一是张开双脚与肩同宽,挺稳整个身躯。另一个诀窍是想办法扩散并减轻施加在身体上的紧张情绪。例如将一只手稍微插入口袋中,或者手触桌边、或者手握麦...

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  Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.   Here are the three places that I like most.First of all,I like the zoo.The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly!I like to pet them,feed them and watch them perform.Museums are cool places,too.Th...

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英语演讲稿-01   as we all know, the challenge and opportunity always, confused with hope, in the 21st century, is also twin human facing challenges period. special performance in this aspect of the relation between man and nature. human deforestation, blind development farming, damaging the vegetation, causes soil erosion, desertification, any natural resources, make the u...

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英语演讲稿-01   Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I am glad to stand here .I hope you can enjoy my speech and give me suggestions.My name is Jack Jones.I come from Beijing , the capital of china.It,s a beautiful place which I am pround of it.So many people like to come to visit it.There are mang places of interests in Beijing.For example: the great wall of china ,Gugong an...

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竞聘讲演有时也叫竞职演讲,它是指参加竞聘者为了实现竞争上岗,就自我竞聘条件、未来的施政目标和构想所发表的公开演讲。事先为这种演讲写成的书面材料就是竞聘演讲辞。竞聘演讲越来越有实用价值,引起了越来越多的领域的重视。要想在竞争的年代实现自我奋斗目标,能够做好竞聘演讲是十分重要的,而它的成功又离不开事先的稿件写作。 一、竞聘演讲辞的特点 1.目标的明确性 一般说来,在竞聘演讲时,竞聘者...

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下午好! 今天,我们相聚在蓝天白云之下,相聚在三月的明媚春光中,相聚在惠风和畅、天朗气清的校园中,相聚在 学校向花园、学园、乐园的目标迈进的康庄大道上,相聚在 学校十年艰辛的风雨旅程中,相聚在 学校跨越式发展的历史阶段中! 今天的 学校,发展目标是高规格校舍,园林式校园,多功能设备,高素质教师,普惠性收费,是平民子女享受优质教育的圣地! 回首昨天,我们看到默默奉献、辛勤耕耘的老...

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一、结构的形式和内容 演讲稿的形式范畴是结构作为演讲稿的整体。但结构的构成,也有它的形式和内容。从整体看,结构是演讲材料的组织构造,是演讲者依据主旨、意图对材料进行组合、编排而成的一篇演讲稿的框架。分开看,它也有它的形式能看出一篇演讲稿由哪几部分组成;也有它的内容能看出哪个部分讲什么。结构的核心是回答和解决这次演讲“怎样讲”的问题。 二、结构的实质和作用 结构的实质是将来自各方面...

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写好了一篇演说稿,但在发表之前还是有工作要做。公众演讲家、演讲顾问给出了几条建议,以确保你在家中有效地演练。 把草稿通读一遍,看它是否符合以下几点: 兴趣所在: 在你列出每一个观点之前,问问自己,“谁会喜欢它?”如果没人的话,就毫不犹豫地把它删掉。 围绕主题: 你准备的材料切合你的主题思想吗?如果跑题了,还是把它删掉吧。 简明扼要: 你准备的东西是多余的吗?或者你已经把它说了三遍了,...

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一、演讲稿要口语化 讲演是一种口语表达的艺术活动,而口语化则是使演讲产生魅力的决窍之一。如果演讲者不顾口语表达的实际需要,一味咬文嚼字,堆砌词藻,那就容易使演讲变得枯燥无味,让人倒胃。为了实现演讲稿口语化,应注意以下几个方面的问题。 1.注意选取有利于口语表达、能充体现通俗晓畅风格的词语。为适应口语表达“口传”、“耳收”的特点,演讲应多用双音节或多音节词。比如,说“当我走上演讲台时”...

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一、演讲稿的性质 演讲稿是一种实用性比较强的文体。是为讲课准备的书面材料。讲稿是讲演、作报告或教课前所写的底稿。而教案,也称课时计划,是教练员经过备课,以课时为单位设计的具体教学方案,教案是上课的重要依据,通常包括:期别、类别(操作或理论)、培训车型、上课时间、课的类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程和时间分配等。有的教案还列有教具和现代化教学手段(如电影、投影、录像...

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写好了一篇演说稿,但在发表之前还是有工作要做。公众演讲家、演讲顾问给出了几条建议,以确保你在家中有效地进行演练。 把草稿通读一遍,看它是否符合以下几点: 兴趣所在 在你列出每一个观点之前,问问自己,“谁会喜欢它?”如果没人的话,就毫不犹豫地把它删掉。 围绕主题 你准备的材料切合你的主题思想吗?如果跑题了,还是把它删掉吧。 简明扼要 你准备的东西是多余的吗?或者你已经把它说了三遍了,或...

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尊敬的各位评委、领导、同志们: 金风送爽,天高云淡,在这个花果飘香、硕果累累的美好季节里,我们迎来了祖国六十岁华诞。举国上下、大江南北的中华儿女都在纵情高歌、尽情欢唱,为美丽而富饶、古老而年轻的祖国送上深情的祝福。 多少年来,我每当看到鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升起的时候,每当听到激越的《义勇军进行曲》高亢奏响的时候,一种振奋、一种激昂、一种骄傲、一种自豪的心情就油然而生。 但,我也曾...

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“祖国你好,祖国你好,你的儿女都在为你祈祷。愿你家家快乐人人幸福,甜蜜蜜的好日子欢欢笑笑……” 一曲饱含深情祝福的《祖国你好》唱出了中华儿女由衷的心声,表达了中华儿女们对祖国母亲无限真挚的祝愿。“祖国,你好!”一句简单却满怀真情的表白,是我们对您深深爱恋的倾诉。 今天,我们用春天般明媚的笑脸为母亲您点燃六十周年华诞的烛光,我们用春天般甜美的歌喉为母亲您送上最美好的祝愿,我们用春天般...

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“平安是福”对于每一个家庭来说,能高高兴兴上班,平平安安回家就是最大的幸福,家人不指望你能带回多少金钱,而是盼望你能带回平安,带回健康。 对于一个企业来说,安全是立足之本。企业成于安全,败于事故,任何一种事故对于企业来说都是一种致命的打击。同时也是一个家庭的悲哀和不幸。 所以当我成为一名安全监督员时,我的肩膀承受了很大的压力,我必须认真履行职责,把好安全关,消除一切可能产生的安...

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