
My interpreter told me their stories. 翻译告诉我他们的故事 We have no freedom, they said. 我们没有自由,他们说道 We hope still, though, that we could leave this house someday and go someplace else where we actually get paid for our dyeing. 可我们还是希望,哪天可以逃离这个屋子去其他的地方,在那里工作能拿到报酬 It's estimated that more than 4,000 children are enslaved on La...

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Every 20 minutes, I'd have to run back to our cruiser to clean out my gear and run it under an air conditioner to revive it, and as I sat there, 每20分钟,我就必须跑回车上清理我的设备,让它在空调底下吹着冷气它才能重新启动, I thought, my camera is getting far better treatment than these people. 我坐在车上想,就连摄像机受到的待遇都比这些活生生的人要好得多。 Back in the ki...

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Standing in the near darkness, I remember feeling this quick, hot fear, and in that instant, 记得当时站在几乎是一片黑暗当中我刹那间感到一阵强烈的恐惧, I could only imagine what it must be like to be trapped in that hell. 那一刻我在想被困在这个地狱里是多么的恐怖。 I had only one way out: the stairs from where I'd come in. 这里只有一个出口:就是我来时走过的楼梯。 There we...

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I'm 150 feet down an illegal mine shaft in Ghana. 我在加纳地下50米深的一个非法矿井里。 The air is thick with heat and dust, 空气污浊闷热,充斥着尘土, and it's hard to breathe. 让人很难呼吸。 I can feel the brush of sweaty bodies passing me in the darkness, but I can't see much else. 我可以感觉到来来往往大汗淋漓的人们从我身边擦过,但是在一片黑暗中,我也看不见什么...

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This is Manuru. When his father died, 这是Manuru。当他父亲死的时候, his uncle trafficked him to work with him in the mines. 他的叔叔把他卖到自己在工作的这个矿场。 When his uncle died, Manuru inherited his uncle's debt, 在他叔叔死后,Manuru要继续背负他叔叔的欠债, which further forced him into being enslaved in the mines. 他被迫继续在矿场工作。 When I met him, he had bee...

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I truly believe, if we can see one another as fellow human beings, then it becomes very difficult to tolerate atrocities like slavery. 我确实相信,当我们把他们当做同胞就会很难容忍奴役这样的暴行。 These images are not of issues. They are of people, 这些影像非关于议题,而是关于人, real people, like you and me, all deserving of the same rights, dignity and respect in their live...

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They have nothing to compare it to. 没有任何比较。 When these villagers claimed their freedom, 如果这些人要为自己争取自由, the slaveholders burned down all of their houses. 奴隶主就烧掉他们所有的房子。 I mean, these people had nothing, 这些人一无所有, and they were so petrified, they wanted to give up, 他们吓坏了,他们想要放弃, but the woman in the center rallied for them...

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We started talking about slavery, and really, 我们聊起了奴隶制度, I started learning about slavery, 而此时我才开始真正了解奴役的现实, for I had certainly known it existed in the world, 虽然我一直都知道世上奴隶制尚存, but not to such a degree. 但完全不知道事态的严重性。 After we finished talking, I felt so horrible and honestly ashamed at my own lack of knowledge of this atro...

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After another two hours of hiking, the winding trail abruptly ended at a clearing, and before us was a mass of holes that could fit into the size of a football field, 又走了两个小时蜿蜒的小径戛然而止,我们面前的空地上出现了一大片坑洞,每个都有一个橄榄球场那么大, and all of them were full of enslaved people laboring. 每个坑洞里都有奴隶在工作。 Many women had children strappe...

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I met these boys at five in the morning, 我在早上五点时看到这些男孩子们, when they were hauling in the last of their nets, 在收最后一个渔网, but they had been working since 1 a.m. 可他们从凌晨1点就开始工作了。 in the cold, windy night. 在这样寒冷,刮风的晚上。 And it's important to note that these nets weigh more than a thousand pounds when they're full of fish. 要...

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Many have been tricked by false promises of a good education, a better job, only to find that they're forced to work without pay under the threat of violence, 他们当中很多人都是被虚假承诺所骗轻信所谓好的教育机会、好的工作机会而被迫无偿工作经受暴力威胁, and they cannot walk away. 并且无法逃脱。 Today's slavery is about commerce, 今天的奴隶制度关乎商业利益, so the go...

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