TED演讲之生存故事 吉尔伯特·泰勒的奇迹(7)

And so I say to him — clear in my mind, I say to him: "This is Jill! I need help!" 我就对他说,我记得很清楚,我对他说:“我是吉尔,我需要帮助!” And what comes out of my voice is, "Woo woo woo woo woo." I'm thinking, "Oh my gosh, I sound like a Golden Retriever." 但是我发出的声音却是,“汪汪汪汪汪!”我想,“天哪,我听起来也像一只金毛猎狗...

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TED演讲之生存故事 布琳·布朗:脆弱的力量(9)

You can't numb those hard feelings without numbing the other affects, our emotions. 你无法只麻痹那些痛苦的情感,而不麻痹所有的感官,所有的情感。 You cannot selectively numb. So when we numb those, we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness. 你无法有选择性地去麻痹。当我们麻痹那些(消极的情感),我们也麻痹了欢乐,麻痹了感恩,麻痹了幸福。 And then, we are miserable, ...

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TED演讲之生存故事 吉尔伯特·泰勒的奇迹(8)

But then I realized, "But I'm still alive! I'm still alive, and I have found Nirvana. 但我意识到,“我还活着,我还活着!而且我找到了天堂, And if I have found Nirvana and I'm still alive, then everyone who is alive can find Nirvana." 如果我找到了天堂而且我还活着,那么活着的每一个人都能找到天堂。” And I pictured a world filled with beautiful, peaceful, co...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(3)

The other thing that was so striking was the sheer number of volunteers. 另外一件令我震撼的事,便是那庞大的志愿者队伍。 Up to 1,000 people a day came to the rescue center. 每天有多达1000位朋友来到救助中心。 Eventually, over the course of this rescue, more than 12-and-a-half thousand volunteers came from all over the world to Cape Town, to help save these birds. 最终,在整个...

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TED演讲之生存故事 布琳·布朗:脆弱的力量(10)

And we perfect, most dangerously, our children. Let me tell you what we think about children. 我们想要让我们的孩子变得完美,这是最危险的。让我告诉你我们是如何看待孩子的。 They're hardwired for struggle when they get here. And when you hold those perfect little babies in your hand, our job is not to say, "Look at her, she's perfect. 从他们出生的那刻起,他们就注定...

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TED演讲之生存故事 吉尔伯特·泰勒的奇迹(3)

My left hemisphere, our left hemisphere, is a very different place. 我的左脑半球,我们的左脑半球,则是一个完全不同的地方。 Our left hemisphere thinks linearly and methodically. 我们左脑半球的思考是线性的,系统的。 Our left hemisphere is all about the past and it's all about the future. 我们的左脑半球的内容是关于过去和将来。 Our left hemisphere is designed to take that en...

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TED演讲之生存故事 黛安·德娜珀丽:企鹅大救援(1)

For as long as I can remember, I have felt a very deep connection to animals and to the ocean. 印象中,我一直觉得自己与动物和海洋有着千丝万缕的联系。 And at this age, my personal idol was Flipper the dolphin. 在我这般大的时候,我的偶像便是海豚Flipper。(译者注:Flipper是六十年代美国电视节目《Flipper》中主演的海豚的名字。) And when I first learned about endangered species, I w...

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TED演讲之生存故事 吉尔伯特·泰勒的奇迹(2)

If you've ever seen a human brain, it's obvious that the two hemispheres are completely separate from one another. 不知道各位是否见过人类的大脑,很明显,它是由两个独立的半球组成。 And I have brought for you a real human brain. So this is a real human brain. 今天我给大家带来了一个真实的人脑。看,这就是一个真实的人脑, This is the front of the brain, the back of brain ...

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TED演讲之生存故事 吉尔伯特·泰勒的奇迹(4)

So I got up and I jumped onto my cardio glider, which is a full-body, full-exercise machine. 我起床,然后跳到我的健身器材上,它是一个活动全身部位的机器。 And I'm jamming away on this thing, and I'm realizing that my hands look like primitive claws grasping onto the bar. 正当我在运动的时候,突然意识到我的手就像原始的爪子一样抓着扶手。 And I thought, "That's v...

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TED演讲之生存故事 约翰·施拉姆:打破自杀生还者的沉默(1)

From all outward appearances, John had everything going for him. 从所有的表象上来看,约翰是事事顺心的。 He had just signed the contract to sell his New York apartment at a six-figure profit, and he'd only owned it for five years. 他刚刚签下了售出他纽约住宅而带来6位数利润的合同,他只用了5年的时间就做到了。 The school where he graduated from with his master's had just ...

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TED演讲之生存故事 布琳·布朗:脆弱的力量(1)

So, I'll start with this: a couple years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event. 那我就这么开始吧:几年前,一个活动策划人打电话给我,因为我当时要做一个演讲。 And she called, and she said, "I'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flyer." 她在电话里说:“我真很苦恼该如何在宣传单上介绍你。” And I thoug...

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虽然,越来越激烈的职场竞争,使男女之间的性别差异越来越被忽略,女性在职场上几乎丧失了被保护的特权,但是我们不得不承认,男人和女人之间还是存在着巨大的差异。如果我们能够理解和接受这样的事实,充分发挥男女各自的优势,那么我们一定会生活和工作得更轻松。 1、女人越聪明越脆弱,男人越聪明越大胆。 聪明的女人通常是敏感的,敏感者对外界刺激的反应特别强烈。当一个女性感受到他人对自己的不良情...

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美女如果有心计,就可怕。美女如果没心计,就可怜。生存其实是一件残酷冷冰冰的过程,大自然法则从来都是适者生存,弱肉强食。不管我们的慈悲心多么深厚,生存的必要条件就是活着,活着就要以牺牲其他的生命为代价。 什么是代价,不甘心的付出,如果心甘情愿,那便是买卖了。 心计是什么?心计首先是聪明,其次是狡猾,再次是良好的心理素质。 三者恰如其分的结合,才能构成心计,缺一不可。 只有耳聪目明...

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