
In 2016, there's much more we can do. 在2016年,我们能做更多的事情。 Just five years ago, for example, immunotherapy 比如说,就在5年前,免疫疗法 using the immune system to kill cancer cells while protecting healthy ones — wasn't taken seriously. 使用免疫体系保护健康细胞的同时杀死癌细胞–并不受到重视。 Now it is and it's working with other disciplines, ...

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Hi everybody, it's Joe Biden. 大家好。我是乔·拜登。 I delivered a report to President Obama laying out how far we've come since he put me in charge of the Cancer Moonshot that was back in January 我向奥巴马总统提交了报告,说明了自他让我在1月份开始负责治愈癌症的登月计划开始所取得的进展 and lay out a real vision for where we need to go in the immediate future to: 在很...

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the team I'm leading to reimagine the federal government's fight against this dreaded disease. 我正在领导这个小组重新规划联邦政府对这一可怕疾病的攻坚战。 It touches almost every corner of government. 这涉及几乎政府的每一个关注点。 For example, you'd expect the National Institutes of Health to be involved in researching radiation therapy for cancer patients. 例如...

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because they can't accumulate enough patients to generate the research, to find new breakthroughs, and get them to patients. 因为他们没有足够的患者去开展临床研究,找到新的突破口,并且为患者提供出治疗方案。 But now thanks to the work of the Presidential Innovation Fellows 但现在多亏了总统创新团队的工作 some of the top technology minds who left Silicon Valley to work at th...

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美好而忧伤的美文 (65)我们身处的谎言世界(2)

If you live in America there's a 41% chance you'll get cancer. 如果住在美国,你将有41%的几率患上癌症。 Heart disease will kill one out of three Americans. 每三个美国人中就有一人将死于心脏病。 We take prescription drugs to deal with these problems, but medical care is the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. 我们以为吃处方药就可以解决问题,但...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用舞蹈战胜癌症(2)

Overcome with the enormity of it all and the complete feeling of loss of control, I shed copious tears and asked my dear husband, Jayant. 经历所有的巨痛并彻底感到失去控制,我流了很多泪水,问我亲爱的丈夫,Jayant。 I said, "Is this it? Is this the end of the road? Is this the end of my dance?" 我说,“结束了么?这就是我生命之路的尽头么?这就是我舞蹈的终结么?” And he,...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用舞蹈战胜癌症(4)

But I needed something else. I needed something to go that extra mile, and I found it in that metaphor which I had learned from my mother when I was four. 但是我需要另外一些东西,我需要增加我的旅程,我在意象中找到了它,那是从我四岁就学起的。 The metaphor of Mahishasura Mardhini, of Durga. Durga, the mother goddess, the fearless one, created by the pantheon of Hindu gods. 湿...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用舞蹈战胜癌症(1)

This is an ode to the mother goddess, that most of us in India learn when we are children. 有一首关于印度神母的颂歌,是我们大部分的印度人从小就学习的。 I learned it when I was four at my mother's knee. 在我四岁的时候也学习了这首歌,坐在我母亲的膝头上。 That year she introduced me to dance, and thus began my tryst with classical dance. 也正是那一年,她引导我进入舞蹈的殿堂...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用舞蹈战胜癌症(5)

My story is a story of overcoming setbacks, obstacles and challenges that life throws at you. 我的故事是一个克服那些生命带给你的挫折、障碍和挑战的故事。 My story is the power of thought. My story is the power of choice. It's the power of focus. 我的故事是思想的力量。我的故事是选择的力量。是专注的力量。 It's the power of bringing ourselves to the attention of somethin...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用舞蹈战胜癌症(3)

I also declared to the world at large that I would ride it out, and I would not allow cancer to ride me. 我还向世界宣告,我将度过难关,我不会允许癌症将我打倒。 But to go from where I was to where I wanted to be, I needed something. 但是要从我的现状到达我的期望,我需要一些东西。 I needed an anchor, an image, a peg to peg this process on, so that I could go from there. 我需要...

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One example is a trick in which a gene allows a cell, even as the drug approaches the cell, 有一个例子很神奇,基因能让细胞在药物接近之前, to push the drug out, before the drug can have any effect. 把药物推开,药物根本来不及起任何作用。 Imagine — the cell effectively spits out the drug. 就好比细胞一口把药吐出去。 This is just one example of the many genetic tricks in t...

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Cancer affects all of us — especially the ones that come back over and over again, 癌症是我们每个人的大敌–尤其是那些不断复发的, the highly invasive and drug-resistant ones, the ones that defy medical treatment, 容易扩散的,具有抗药性的癌症,药物治疗对它们无效, even when we throw our best drugs at them. 即使我们用最好的药也无济于事。 Engineering at the molecular...

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But there is one more big obstacle we have to think about. 但前方还有一个大障碍需要跨越。 In fact, it may be the biggest obstacle of all. 而且,也许是最大的一个障碍。 How do we deploy this superweapon? 我们该如何部署这件超级武器? I mean, every good weapon needs to be targeted, 每一件武器都要设定目标, we have to target this superweapon to the supervillain cells that reside ...

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What's great about this approach is that it can be personalized. 这种方法最大的好处就是可以定制。 We can add many different layers of siRNA to address different mutations and tumor defense mechanisms. 我们可以添加多重siRNA,分别针对不同的变异和防御机制。 And we can put different drugs into the nanoparticle core. 我们还可以在内核中放入不同种类的药物。 As doctors learn how...

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The siRNA is deployed first. It acts for hours, giving enough time to silence and block those survival genes. siRNA首先开始行动。它需要几个小时,来让(癌细胞的)生存基因失效。 We have now disabled those genetic superpowers. 我们去除了(癌细胞的)基因超能力。 What remains is a cancer cell with no special defenses. 只剩下没有防御的癌细胞。 Then, the chemotherapy drug comes out...

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So, here's our strategy. First, we'll dose the cancer cell with siRNA, the gene blocker, 因此,我们的策略如下。首先,我们将siRNA–基因拦截者,用在癌细胞身上, and silence those survival genes, and then we'll whop it with a chemo drug. 让(癌细胞的)生存基因失效,然后我们再用化学药品来对付癌细胞。 But how do we carry that out? 但如何实现呢? Using molecular e...

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As a researcher, I usually don't get to work with patients. 作为一名研究者,我通常很少与病人接触。 But I recently met a mother who is an ovarian cancer survivor, Mimi, and her daughter, Paige. 但最近我遇到了一位母亲,她叫咪咪,是一名卵巢癌幸存者,她有个女儿叫佩吉。 I was deeply inspired by the optimism and strength that both mother and daughter displayed and by their sto...

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