TED演讲:为了关闭监狱 就要创办学校(1)

When I opened Mott Hall Bridges Academy in 2010, my goal was simple: open a school to close a prison. 在2010年我开办了莫特馆桥学院,我的目标很简单:创办一所学校,以关闭一所监狱。 Now to some, this was an audacious goal, because our school is located in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn 一些人可能会认为,这是个大胆的目标,原因在于我们的学校位于布鲁克林的布朗斯维尔地区 one o...

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TED演讲:为了关闭监狱 就要创办学校(3)

It was a cold day in January when my scholar, Vidal Chastanet, met Brandon Stanton, the founder of the popular blog "Humans of New York." 那是一月寒冷的一天,我的学生维达·沙塔遇到了布兰登·斯坦顿,这位热门博客“纽约众生”创始人。 Brandon shared the story of a young man from Brownsville who had witnessed violence firsthand, by witnessing a man being thrown off of a roo...

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TED演讲:为了关闭监狱 就要创办学校(4)

The revolution in education is happening in our schools, with adults who provide love, structure, support and knowledge. 教育的改革正在我们学校进行,有成年人为他们提供爱,精心组织的体系,支持还有知识。 These are the things that inspire children. But it is not an easy task. 这些都将对我们的孩子有所启发。但这并不能简单的说到做到。 And there are high demands within an education...

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TED演讲:为了关闭监狱 就要创办学校(2)

It was evident when I would ask my 13-year-old, "Young man, where do you see yourself in five years?" 我问一个13岁的孩子,“年轻人,你认为五年后你会怎么样?”答案似乎显而易见。 And his response: "I don't know if I'm gonna live that long." 而他的回答是:“我不知道我能否活那么长时间。” Or to have a young woman say to me that she had a lifelong goal of ...

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尊敬的领导、同志们:大家好 首先,非常感谢党委给予我们这次展示自我的舞台和施展才华的机会!科级干部实行公平、公正、公开地竞争上岗,是我狱深化人事制度改革的重大举措,也是加强干部队伍建设的有益尝试,我非常拥护、非常支持,非常珍惜这次提高、锻炼自己的机会。现在,我勇敢地走上台来,参与竞聘的是侦察科科长。下面,向各位领导和同志们报告我的工作简历、自身优势、任职思考,接受大家的评判。...

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