
My view is that museums should take a leaf out of the book of religions. 我觉得艺术馆应该向宗教学习 And they should make sure that when you walk into a museum — if I was a museum curator, 艺术馆应该确保,当游客走进馆内时候–如果我是馆长 I would make a room for love, a room for generosity. 我会专门为爱,为慷慨而准备特定的展览 All works of art are talking to us abou...

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We recognize them in relation to corporations. 我们还认同他们像个企业 And corporations are very like religions in many ways, except they're right down at the bottom of the pyramid of needs. 公司企业和宗教有些相似之处,不过企业只提供最基本的物质 They're selling us shoes and cars. 企业给我们鞋子和汽车 Whereas the people who are selling us the higher stuff — the t...

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Existential risk — the second big problem. 存在风险——第二个重大问题。 Existential risk is a threat to human survival, or to the long-term potential of our species. 存在风险是对人类生存,或对整个人类种群的长远潜能的一种威胁。 Now, why do I say that this is a big problem? 为什么我会认为这是一个重大问题? Well, let's first look at the probability — 让我们来看看...

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Imagine a species that just didn't have this neural machinery for processing music. 假设有这样一个物种,它们刚好没有能够处理音乐的神经装置。 And they would just stare at us with bafflement 当我们花时间聆听一曲美妙的演奏时, when we spend time listening to a beautiful performance, 就像我们刚听到的那支, like the one we just heard — because of people making stupid mo...

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But part of the reason 但另一方面的原因 and that's the reason why we have ethical ground for pursuing these 即从人类的本质上看,它们也是很有价值的, is that they're also intrinsically valuable. 这也是为什么我们拥有追求这些特质的道德基础。 It's just better to be able to understand more of the world around you 去理解你周围的世界和人 and the people that you are comm...

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The other thing that religions know is we're not just brains, we are also bodies. 宗教还知道我们人类不仅仅有智慧,我们还有躯体 And when they teach us a lesson, they do it via the body. 所以他们通过身体来教会我们道理 So for example, take the Jewish idea of forgiveness. 举个例子,像是犹太人懂得宽容 Jews are very interested in forgiveness and how we should start anew and st...

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I'm interested in the kind of constituency that thinks something along these lines: 我对有些情况非常感兴趣,有些人会说: that thinks, "I can't believe in any of this stuff. “我完全不相信这些宗教 I can't believe in the doctrines. 那些教义,那些学说 I don't think these doctrines are right. 我觉得它们全部都是假的 But," a very important but, "I lov...

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If you went to a top university — let's say you went to Harvard or Oxford or Cambridge — 如果你去顶尖学府,像是哈佛,牛津,或者剑桥 and you said, "I've come here because I'm in search of morality, guidance and consolation; 然后你对他们说,"我想找到指引,慰藉,和道德" I want to know how to live," they would show you the way to the i...

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So then, you move off to this larger sphere of "human +," 那么,然后我们迈步来到这片更大的人类空间, and you could continue that process 我们不断地前进, and eventually explore a lot of this larger space of possible modes of being. 最终,在这片更大的空间,我们可以探索许多可能的生存方式。 Now, why is that a good thing to do? 那么,为什么这么做有益呢? Well, we know ...

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I first found out about this confrontation when I was in graduate school, and it kind of blew me away. 我第一次听说这个故事的时候还在念研究生,这个故事让我太惊讶了。 I mean, how could the word scientist not have existed until 1833? 我是说“科学家”这个词怎么可能是1833年才出现的? What were scientists called before? 在那之前科学家们如何称呼自己? What had changed to make a new ...

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No, we need to be polite about differences. 不一定,我们只是需要礼貌地对待另一方 Politeness is a much-overlooked virtue. It's seen as hypocrisy. 有时候礼貌都被我们忽视了。有时候我们觉得那是虚伪 But we need to get to a stage when you're an atheist 如果你是个无神论者,而有个人对你说 and someone says, "Well you know, I did pray the other day," you politely ign...

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Now, that's the way a lot of people feel about consciousness. 好了,那就是很多人对意识的感觉。 Real consciousness is not a bag of tricks. 真正的意识不是魔术师的口袋 If you're going to explain this as a bag of tricks, 如果你把它解释为魔术师的口袋, then it's not real consciousness, whatever it is. 那它就不是真正的意识,不管它是什么。 And, as Marvin said, and as ot...

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The two really bad ideas that are hovering in the modern world 在当代世界有两个特别糟糕的想法 that inhibit our capacity to draw strength from art: 他们抑制了我们在艺术里获得力量的本领 The first idea is that art should be for art's sake — a ridiculous idea — 第一,艺术就为了艺术而存在 –说起来很荒谬 — an idea that art should live in a hermetic bubbl...

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I'd like you to come back with me for a moment to the 19th century, specifically to June 24, 1833. 我希望先带你们回到19世纪,确切地说回到1833年6月24日。 The British Association for the Advancement of Science 英国科学促进协会正在剑桥大学, is holding its third meeting at the University of Cambridge. 召开第三届大会。 It's the first night of the meeting, 会议举办的第一...

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This is actually a courageous talk, 这真是一个无畏的演讲 because you're kind of setting up yourself in some ways to be ridiculed in some quarters. 在某些地方你似乎把自己当成了一个笑柄让大家嘲弄啊 You can get shot by both sides. 不管怎么说我都有可能被批评 You can get shot by the hard-headed atheists, and you can get shot by those who fully believe. 我可以被固执的无神论者...

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Indeed, Rensink's subjects took only a little bit more than a second to press the button. 是的,Rensink的实验对象仅仅花了一秒多一点点的时间来按下按钮。 Can you see that one? 2.9 seconds. 这个能看到吗?2.9秒。 How many don't see it still? 多少人仍然没有看到? What's on the roof of that barn? It's easy. 那个谷仓的屋顶上有什么?简单吧。 Is it a bridge or a dock?...

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Now, when we think about changing human nature, 那么,当我们考虑改变人类本质时, the first thing that comes to mind are these human modification technologies 首先想到的便是那些人类改造技术 growth hormone therapy, cosmetic surgery, 荷尔蒙生长疗法,整容手术, stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, anti-depressants, anabolic steroids, artificial hearts. 如利他林,安非他命缓释剂之类...

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In the secular world we think, "If an idea is important, I'll bump into it. I'll just come across it." 在非宗教世界里,我们觉得 "我会毫无预兆就想到一个好主意,我是偶然想到的" Nonsense, says the religious world view. 宗教人士会说 "胡扯" Religious view says we need calendars, we need to structure time, we need to synchronize encounters. 宗...

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So if you think about what it means to learn arithmetic or to learn to read, 因此,如果你思考学习算术和阅读意义何在, you're actually, literally rewriting your own brain. 那实际上你就是在重写你自己的大脑。 You're changing the microstructure of your brain as you go along. 你在学习的过程中,也正在改变大脑的微型结构。 So in a broad sense, we don't need to think abou...

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The artist had very cleverly suggested people and clothes and wagons and all sorts of things, 艺术家很聪明地暗示了人物和服装,以及车马还有其他事物, and my brain had taken the suggestion. 而我的大脑接受了这样的暗示。 You're familiar with a more recent technology, which is — There, 你们很熟悉一个更新的技术,就在–这个。 you can get a better view of the blobs. ...

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