
That's probably not all that difficult. 这也许并不是太难做到的事情。 It might just be a simple hormone or something that could do this. 可能只需要一种普通激素或其它什么材料。 It's been done in voles. 人们在田鼠身上做过这种实验。 You can engineer a prairie vole to become monogamous when it's naturally polygamous. 本性上是一雄多雌制的草原田鼠,经过改造后,可变为一...

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But now, notice there are two ways of seeing the cube, right? 现在,你注意到了有两种方法来看那个立方体,对吧? It's a Necker cube. 这是一个内科尔方块。 Everybody can see the two ways of seeing the cube? OK. 大家都可以看出两种看方块的方法吧?好的 Can you see the four ways of seeing the cube? 那你们能看出四种方法来吗? Because there's another way of seeing it. 由于有不...

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And I'd like to run through a few of these today. 现在我想具体地解释一下 I'd like to kick off by looking at education. 先从教育说起 Now education is a field the secular world really believes in. 非宗教的人们十分相信学习、教育的力量 When we think about how we're going to make the world a better place, 我们觉得教育使世界进步 we think education; that's where we ...

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It’s shocking to realize that only 28 percent of American adults 你们或许会惊讶于,只有28%的美国成年人 have even a very basic level of science literacy, 具备基本的科学知识, and this was tested by asking simple questions like, 而测试用的问题都是非常简单的: “Did humans and dinosaurs inhabit the Earth at the same time?” 例如“人类和恐龙...

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Richard Jones became an important economist who later influenced Karl Marx. 理查德·琼斯成为了一名重要的经济学家,日后他影响到了卡尔·马克思。 And Whewell not only coined the term scientist, as well as the words anode, cathode and ion, 胡威立不仅创造了“科学家”这个词,还创造了“阳极”、“阴极”和“离子”, but spearheaded international big science with his global researc...

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The British Association would later be the first 英国科学进步协会也是后来 of the major national science organizations in the world to admit women as full members. 第一个接收女性成为正式会员的主流国家学术团体。 Up to the 19th century, natural philosophers were expected to pay for their own equipment and supplies. 上至19世纪,自然哲学家是需要自己支付实验设备和...

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