美文故事之找谁倚靠 (28)礼物 The gift

The gift 礼物 A young man was getting ready to graduate from university. 一个年轻人将要从大学毕业了。 For a long time he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom and knowing his father could well afford it, he told his Dad that was all he wanted. 几个月以来他一直喜欢某个经销商展厅里的那台漂亮的跑车。他知道他的父亲买得起,所有他告诉父亲说,他只想要这台跑...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (2)来自内心的礼物 Gifts from the heart

Gifts from the heart 来自内心的礼物 According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. 有这样一个传说:一个年轻人在沙漠里漫游时偶然发现了一眼清泉。 The water was so sweet. 泉水清冽甘甜, He filled his leather canteen so that he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher. 于是年轻人用随身的革...

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经典英语美文 (26)爱的礼物

If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not h...

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在教育的范围内,平等应当存在于任何人与他人的关系之间,存在于老师和孩子,孩子与幼儿园(学校),家长与孩子的关系中,并体现在日常生活中,这是教育的关键。 但是,这样的理念在国内大部分教育机构中,很少被真正实践。 老师:“小朋友记住了,啊,加饭举右手,手掌伸直。方静,你错了,这边是右手!加汤举左手,看着我,握住拳头。这边,握住拳头。吃饭不许讲话,啊!” 老师:“方方...

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她是上天送来的礼物 作者:韩松落 在1935年的奥斯卡颁奖礼上,7岁的秀兰·邓波儿获奖,同时她从颁奖人那里得到了这样一句评价:“圣诞老人送给人类的最可爱、最可亲的圣诞礼物。”此后多年,这个说法常常在被修改后,用来称赞各种童星,但没有一个童星可以像她那样,完全当得起“上天的礼物”这样一个称号。 她的确是个奇迹。在她母亲的回忆中,她出生之后,从来不曾患病,也不会半夜醒来哭闹,3个月大的时候,就...

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