
Change will never roll in on the wheels of inevitability It must be carried in on the backs of warriors of love. 变化永远不会载在必然性的车轮上 自动到来必须要有肩负爱的勇士 才能带来变化 See yourself as those warriors Oh, say, can you see. 将你们自己看成这些勇士哦 你可看见 That in this world we have work to do See can't you see that in this world that poverty and its rava...

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But when I say a fight, I mean a literal fight Someone had me in a headlock. 反正我这里说的打架是动真格的有人把我脑袋夹住 2 people around my legs and my aid bursts into the council chambers and says Cory. 两个人抱着我的腿这时我助手火急火燎冲到议会大厅 他说 科里 You've got to go man Your plane leaves in fifteen minutes. 你需要出发了 老兄你的飞机15分钟后起飞 You've got...

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Eventually we moved on to beach ball for crying out loud then there was the galactic hail. 最终冰雹达到沙滩球那么大然后还有银河冰雹 And I would try to catch my dad in inconsistencies He would tell me the story about in the mountain of North Carolina he. 我经常在父亲的故事中发现不合理的地方有一次他跟我讲北卡罗来纳山区的故事 Would start a story about the steep hill almost a cl...

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More beautiful than you realize more powerful than you can imagine. 比你所意识到的更美丽比你所想象到的更有力量 But you must imagine it as one great author said the most common way people give up their power. 但你们必须认识到自己的力量如一位作家所言 人们放弃力量的最普遍方式 Is not realizing they have it in the first place I see you. 是最初就没有意识到他们拥有这种力量我看到你...

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Because for 2 of my years I lived with undergraduates in Pierson College. 因为我有两年和皮尔逊学院的本科生们住在一起 As a yes and yes. 作为 好而且 好 The P is for the P in Pierson College So I just cannot take this is an opportunity to say thank you to. P是皮尔逊学院的首字母所以我必须利用这个机会 感谢 One of the more extraordinary men i've met in my academic journey who ...

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To the nicer row homes by the park I have seen first class having nothing to do with material things. 到公园旁整齐的排屋我看到过同物质事物无关的"头等" This world will give you messages that will try to tell you different everyday It's going to try to take you. 这个世界会给你各种信息 告诉你每天都有所不同它会将你 From a great national tradition of citizenship and...

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It was a pact funeral home and I didn't want to talk to anybody. 殡仪馆人很多我不想和任何人讲话 All I could do was stand at the back and look and I started to feel mocked. 我只能静静地站在后面 呆呆地看着一切我开始感觉到可笑 Not inspired, but mocked by the words of our common ancestry I felt they were haunting me. I would hear things in my head like. 前人的那些话 似乎不是...

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And so I do what I have to do and because of honor and righteousness. 于是我做了我必须做的事为了荣耀和正义 I cut everybody in line And now, there is carry-on baggage being thrown at the back of my head. 我插队到每个人的前面这时 有人把行李箱扔过来 砸到我的后脑勺上 It's not mother's day but I'm being called a mother And I lean at the counter. 这一天不是母亲节 但却...

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Descend upon your being You will have days like this, I promise you. 悲伤会突然来袭你们肯定会有这样的日子 我向你们保证 I take no joy in telling you that there'll be mornings you wake up and you'll feel the weight of shame. 虽然我不想这么说 但这是必然的 某天早上你们会感受到羞愧的重量 Weighing you down in your bed that you don't want to get up I tell you, you will ...

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We all will be busy but i've seen it in my work in Newark. 我们都会变得很忙但我在纽瓦克的工作中认识到 The true heroes are those people that do the small things Alice Walker's book In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens. 真正的英雄是那些做着小事的人们爱丽丝.沃克的书《寻找母亲的花园》 To paraphrase her, she says it so eloquently that the real revolutionary. 她的话很有说...

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I used to love it. I looked forward to him, say that Frank, it's Cory I would take him out to go shopping. 我原来很喜欢这样 我看着他 说 弗兰克 科里来了我会带他出去购物 He couldn't even see, but he wanted me to take him to the movies I said, Frank, I know this great movie about home improvement. 他什么都看不见 但他还想要我带他去看电影我说 弗兰克 我知道一个关于家居装饰...

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It's not We're all on the same plane. 并不像我们都在同一架飞机上 When we hit turbulence, it shakes us all We may not realize it but it does. When. 碰到紊流时 我们所有人都会摇晃我们可能没意识到 但事实确实如此 We have a hole in the fuselage, threatens all of our well-being and if we go down, we don't go down where the first-class land safely and. 机身上出现破洞时 ...

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That I now lead as mayor I want to do something that has probably never been done before at this university. 而我现在则是这座城市的市长我的讲法 可能在这座学校历史上前无古人 I want to stand here as a Christian in all of my non-Jewish self and give you all a Dvar Torah. 我站在这里 作为一名基督徒 一名非犹太教徒而演讲却是摩西五经宣讲 For those of you who have no idea what Dvar T...

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Class of 2013 All right. 2013届毕业生们很好 I'm a little bit fork length right now because. 我现在很有些激动因为 It is so good to be back here but just that these hats have now have been in this weird state. 很高兴回到这里但这些代表自豪和爱国心的帽子 Of pride and patriotism as well as dismay that your ascending president here. 状态有些古怪你们即将上任的校长却很让人沮丧 D...

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Fiss and Amar Coleman. 费斯 阿玛尔科尔曼 So many men and women who taught me so much but I will tell you this I still tell you this day I got my BA from Stanford. 很多老师教会了我很多 但我要告诉你们这个我仍然会说 我从斯坦福获得学士学位 But my phd on the streets of Newark from folks who cared enough about me. 但我的博士学位是在纽瓦克的街头巷尾拿到的它来自于足够关心我的那些人 ...

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And I scream at here, I go, stop! And this woman swings around. 我尖叫到 停这位女士转过身来 Sees a former tight end from Stanford University barrelling down on her, she drops her clipboard. 看到一位曾经的斯坦福大学近端锋朝她杀来 她吓得把记事板掉到地上 Pins herself against the wall She goes, what's wrong. I go, ma'am. 人钉到墙上她问 出什么事了 我说 女士 I am on that p...

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4.0 yards per carry and 1600 receiving yards your senior year When I graduated from Stanford, my father, grandfather crowded around me. 你高中最后一年4.0的平均冲球码数和1600的接球总码数我从斯坦福毕业时 我父亲 祖父围着我 They grabbed the program and they said I see you didn't graduate magna cum laude. 他们拿起毕业证书说我看到你没有以极优等成绩毕业 You didn't graduate ...

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And I looked at her. Where am I sitting? Ma'am, I'm in first class And this was the first time I had flown in first class. 我看着她 我在哪坐 女士 我可是坐头等舱这是我平生第一次坐头等舱 And they have seats in first class that are made for former tight end from Stanford university. 而且头等舱的座位简直太适合我这位前斯坦福大学的近端锋了 They are wide seats and I sat dow...

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And no matter how great and compelling they are as you look into the distance. 不管目标多么伟大 多么吸引人在你眺望远方时 Don't forget about what is right in front of you today because no matter how great your dreams. 不要忘记今天在你眼前的东西因为不管你的梦想有多伟大 No matter how great your destiny, never forget that the biggest thing you can do in any day. 不管你的命运...

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Low-income families and great Americans I still say it's one of the greatest phases i've ever lived in my life. 低收入家庭 以及伟大的美国人我现在仍然认为 这是我生命中最好的时期之一 These buildings some of the greatest leaders and teachers or some of the elders in these buildings. 这些建筑中住着一些最伟大的领袖 教师 还有一些老者 Holding them together with their spirit...

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