
When the people of Hamelin, Germany had a problem with rats, they called the Pied Piper. With his bewitching pipe and enchanting music, he lured the rats away from the city and into a watery grave. But when the people of Hamelin refused to pay the Pied Piper what they had promised, he turned his entrancing music on their children, leading them away to never be seen again. Th...

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4岁的林林和3岁的网网在院子里玩,不知怎么回事儿吵了起来。 “我是强盗,啊呀呀!一刀砍了你的头!”林林对网网比划着挥舞大刀砍头的动作。 “哼!我才不怕!我给你吃毒苹果,涂上蛇的、癞蛤蟆的、还有、还有……反正是好多的毒药!”网网说。 “你是大灰狼,我是猎人,剪开你的肚皮、扔到河里!” 林林和网网的妈妈林丽在窗内越听越是坐不住,孩子吵架的情节...

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