英文欣赏:​Lessons from Geese 大雁的启示(下)

Lesson 4 第四课 The geese in a formation honk from behind to encourage those in front to keep up their speed. 为了鼓励队形前方的大雁,后面的雁群往往发出鼓励叫声。 We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging and not something else. 我们需要确信雁叫声是从后面发出的,而不是别的什么地方。 In groups where there is great encouragement against gre...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (98)人口老龄化 Aging Populations

Aging Populations 人口老龄化 What is making the world so much older? 是什么让全世界的人口日益老龄化? There are two long-term causes and a temporary blip that will continue to show up in the figures for the next few decades. 这是由两个长期原因和一个暂时现象造成的,并且在未来的几十年里,这些因素还将继续存在下去。 The first of the big causes is that people e...

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英文欣赏:UFO之谜 UFO Mystery(下)

But in the eyes of many UFO fans, government officials were trying to hide information on extraterrestrial UFOs for fear of mass panic. 但是在许多UFO迷们看来,政府官员试图遮掩公众对天外来客的UFO的恐惧感。 The UFO craze continued throughout the latter decades of the twentieth century. 不明飞行物的热潮在二十世纪后期持续了几十年。 Numbers of sightings increased ste...

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英文欣赏:爱不停运转 从不静止(下)

Rick was chosen for US-British test pilot exchange program in 1992. 1992年,里克被选入美国— 英国皇家空军试飞员交换项目。 We moved to the English countryside, where our marriage grew to a deeper level with no barriers standing between us. 我们搬到了英国乡下。在国外的那段时间我们的婚姻发展到了心心相印的水平,没有隔阂。 Later Rick applied a fourth time for the spac...

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Possible low grade. Because dorm life is very social, your grades may be affected in a negative way. If you constantly choose hanging out with your dorm buddies over studying at the library, then your GPA will suffer. 可能会导致成绩下降。因为宿舍生活会很社交化,你的成绩可能会对你的成绩有负面影响。如果你时常和室友出去玩而不是在图书馆里自习,那么你的GPA会下降。 Off-Camp...

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To Become a Leader at Your School 成为校园领袖 Many leaders have certain traits and perform certain tasks that allow them to be respected by other people. 许多领导人都有特定的品质和做事的执行力,因而能得到其他人的尊重。 If you would like to become a respected leader at your school, then you need to be knowledgeable about what it takes to be a good leader. 如...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (25)冬日漫步

A Winter Walk 冬日漫步 The wind has gently murmured through the blinds,or puffed with feathery softness against the windows,and occasionally sighed like a summer zephyr lifting the leaves along, the livelong night. 微风缓缓地吹着百叶窗,吹在窗上,非常温柔,像羽毛似的;偶尔也会犹如几声叹息,听起来像夏夜漫漫长夜里的轻风抚着树叶的声音。 The meadow mouse has slept i...

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英文欣赏:爱不停运转 从不静止(上)

How Love Endures? 爱如何不停运转? It’s a year I could never have imagined happening, let alone getting through. 这一年我不敢去想发生了什么,更不用说我是如何度过每一天的。 A year since I lost the love of my life, the man I expected to be with forever, the man whose face I still long to see when I wake up in the morning. 一年前,我失去了我的爱人,那个我...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (89)2020年昆虫将成为主食 Insects Will Be Part of UK Diet

Insects Will Be Part of UK Diet 2020年昆虫将成为主食 Western diners should get used to the idea of eating insects because by 2020 it is “inevitable”they will form an important part of our diet,according to the entomologist who heads up the world’s first university centre focusing on insects as a food source. 一位昆虫学家指出,西方人应当适应吃昆虫...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (103)阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam

Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 When the sun is up in Amsterdam,the largest city in the Netherlands sits quietly on the Amstel River. 当太阳升起时,阿姆斯特丹,这座荷兰最大的城市,静静地坐落在阿姆斯特尔河畔。 You can rent a bicycle,visit the Van Gogh or Anne Frank museum,or take a water taxi. 你可以租上一辆自行车或乘坐水上的士去参观梵高美术馆或安妮?弗兰克博物馆。 But...

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英文欣赏:理解嫉妒 Understanding Jealousy(上)

Understanding Jealousy 理解嫉妒 Most of us have experienced Shakespeare’s “green-eyed monster”—jealousy. It is a terrible obsession. 大多数的我们都经历过莎士比亚笔下的“绿眼怪物”——嫉妒。这是摆脱不了的困扰。 Often in a crisis we’d like to kill the person who tries to take our lover away. 通常在一场危机中,我们想杀死抢走我们爱人的那个人。...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (81)学校 Schools

Schools 学校 September is traditionally the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in the UK. 传统来讲,9月是夏末秋初的月份, It is also the month when children go back to school after their long summer holidays, 也是孩子们在结束漫长的暑假后回到学校的月份。 but what do you actually know about British schools? 但是,你实际上又对英国的学校了解多少呢? ...

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英文欣赏之人生感悟 (10)净化你的思绪

Clear your mental space 净化你的思绪 Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion: 想一想上一次你情绪消沉时的情景: like stress, anger, or frustration. 压力,愤怒,或是受挫。 Were you able to think as you were going through that negativity? 当被这些消极情绪占据的时候,你是否还能正常地思考呢? Today, let me show you a simply but effective exe...

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英文欣赏:UFO之谜 UFO Mystery(上)

UFO Mystery UFO之谜 The first mass sightings of UFOs in the United States came in 1896, when a number of people from California to the Midwest reported seeing mysterious aircraft. 第一次大规模目击UFO是在1896年的美国,据说当时有一群来自加利福利亚的人在去中西部地区的途中看到了神秘的航空器。 According to reports, these flying machines were cigar-shaped with intense...

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各位领导,各位同事: 下午好! 很荣幸有机会在这里向大家汇报我的思想和工作,我愿借这个机会,真诚地向大家展示自我,希望通过我的发言,进一步增加和同志们的沟通了解,增进友谊。在和大家共同学习、工作、生活的这三年中,我个人无论是生活上、还是工作上都得到大家很多的关心、帮助和支持,使我在工作上有了更快的进步,在学习上有了更大的提高,在生活上受到大家无私的关爱。借此机会,我诚挚地向大家...

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尊敬的各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 非常感谢支行给我这次展示自己的机会,下面请允许我向大家介绍一下我的基本情况。 我今年xx岁,年毕业于省经济管理学院会计专业,毕业后进入交行工作先后在xx支行、xx支行工作,xx年通过招聘进入延边支行任客户经理,于今年11月份重新回到交行在xx支行担任临柜柜员。 这些工作经历增加了我的工作经验同时也提高了各个方面的能力。 下面就我所具备的竞争条件和优势做简...

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尊敬的各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 我能参与xxx小学的小学校长的公开竞争上岗,我感到非常幸运和激动,借此机会,感谢领导为我提供一个展示自己的机会,以及多年来上级领导和各位同事对我工作的关心、支持和帮助。 我叫xxx,今年x岁,党员,教育管理本科学历,拥有小高职称,xx年毕业于xxx,同年分配到泌冲小学任教,先后担任过班主任和大队辅导员等职务,xxx年被任命为xxx副教导主任,主管学校的德育工作...

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各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 我叫***,今年*岁,大学毕业,一九九五年五月从东明县农业局选调到县检察院,*年通过“一推双考”被任命为办公室副主任,同时主持办公室工作。今天我本着锻炼自己,为大家服务的宗旨站到这里,竞选办公室主任一职,希望能得到大家的支持。 大家都知道,办公室工作具有综合性、广泛性、从属性、服务性和琐碎性等特点,头绪繁杂,任务艰巨。刚才参加办公室主任竞选演...

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