英文欣赏:积极思考的力量The Power of Positive Thinking

人们之所以失败的一个主要原因就是积存于他们脑中从后面拽住他们前进的消极思想。在他们心灵的最底处,下意识的某个地方,有一种消极的情绪传递着这样一种信息:你不可能成功,你不可能战胜这困境,你不可能坚持太久,或者你注定失败,而这种消极的思想正是导制你失败的原因。 Do you know that you can gain success over any difficult situation in your life by thinking positive? Welcome to Faith R...

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英语沙龙:Virtual Detective虚拟侦探

你作为虚拟侦探的任务就是侦破险恶的阴谋,但要赶在它耗尽你的所有时间和被迫出局之前。 Virtual1) Detective2) Even the best computer games don’t literally put you into the action.That’s what sets Majestic apart.The online game,which began clandestine3) operations last summer,makes you a central character:You get phone calls in the middle of the night,clues faxed to your off...

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英语沙龙:济慈书信This Living Hand, Now Warm and Capable

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 This Living Hand, Now Warm and Capable This living hand, now warm and capable Of earnest grasping, would, if it were cold And in the icy silence of the tomb, So haunt thy days and chill thy dreaming nights That thou wouldst wish thine own heart dry of blood So in my...

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英文欣赏:Return to Love回归真爱

编者按: Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. 心灵的独奏是不完整的,直到另一颗心灵有所回应。渴望歌唱的人总能找到曲谱。真爱所到之处,诗情画意无处不在。 What is wrong with our world is that love is in short supply. 我们的世界让人无所适从只因真爱太少...

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英文欣赏:培育我们的心灵Cultivating Our Hearts

让我们记住,人生的秋天很快就会来临;我们现在播种什么,到那时就会收获什么。如果我们要获取丰硕的收成,摘取珍贵的果实,确保充裕旺盛的秋天,现在,在这个人生的春天,我们就必须勤勤恳恳、小心翼翼地培育我们的心灵。 Cultivating Our Hearts The autumn, with its ripening fruits, and waving harvest, is now with us. We see on every hand the results of the farmer’s toil and forecast in the...

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英文欣赏:做一个乐观的自己Be optimistic

拒绝心情不快,时刻神采飞扬。别让问题堆积如山,一个一个着手解决。做时间的主人,以自己喜欢的方式简单地生活。 不要沉湎于错误和失望中难以自拔,有时它们是生活不可或缺的组成部分,学会从中吸取教训,下次做得更好。 Hi, welcome to our latest i ssue at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. I thank you for dropping by today, and I hope that you’re able to find something h...

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英文欣赏:永不低头Hang In There

生活中困难在所难免, 最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。 Dufficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It takes a strong person to deal with tough times an...

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英语沙龙:济慈书信To Tom Keats, 25th June, 1818. Endmoor,&n

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To Tom Keats, 25th June, 1818. Endmoor, Cumbria Here beginneth my journal, this Thursday, the 25th day of June, Anno Domini1818. This morning we arose at 4, and set off in a Scotch mist; put up once under a tree, and in fine, have walked wet and dry to this place, ca...

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英语沙龙:Your New Pen Pal新型笔-移动手写输入笔

Vpen(移动手写输入笔)可以完成所有的工作:既可以用于手机的手写输入,也可以作为PDA(个人数字助理)的鼠标,还可以作为手提电脑的书写工具。 Your New Pen Pal It’s time to flick your Bic――into the trash1).The Vpen does it all:handwriting recognition2) for cellphones3),a mouse for PDAs,a drawing implement for a laptop4).It’s even a regular old pen.The device5) sends out ...

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The Most Historically Inaccurate MoviesⅠ 10 000 B.C. Director Roland Emmerich is usually a stickler for realism. So we hate to inform him that woolly mammoths were not, in fact, used to build pyramids. Woolly mammoths weren’t even found in the desert. They wouldn’t need to be woolly if that were the case. And there weren’t any pyramids in Egypt until 2 500 ...

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英语沙龙:济慈书信To George and Georgiana Keats, 14th Octob

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To George and Georgiana Keats, 14th October 1818 My dear George; I am grieved to say that I am not sorry you had not letters at Philadelphia; you could have had no good news of Tom and I have been withheld on his account from beginning these many days; I could not br...

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大千世界中,万物皆有时节,一切自有深意: 有诞生,也有死亡的时候。有种植也有采摘的时候。 There is a time For everything there is a season and the time for every purpose under the heaven-a time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to pick up what is planted; A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to break down and a time to build up; A time to weep and a...

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英语沙龙:济慈书信To Benjamin Baily. Inverary, 18th July

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To Benjamin Baily. Inverary, 18th July My dear Bailey; I am certain I have not a right feeling towards Women—at this moment I am striving to be just to them but I cannot—Is it because they fall so far beneath my boyish imagination? When I was a schoolboy I thought a ...

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英语沙龙:与爱车邂逅Hanging with Mini Cooper

爱车微型Cooper漂亮得简直让人想拧一把它的轮胎。 Hanging1) with Mini Cooper The Mini Cooper is so cute,we just wan t to pinch its tires.A thoroughly modern version2) of the original Mini,this agile3) sport sedan4) --which features a new multilink suspension5) --is equally at home on winding roads and urban streets.A sprightly6) 115-horsepower engine matches the free-...

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英语沙龙:济慈书信To Fanny Keats, 20th December 1819

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 To Fanny Keats, 20th December 1819 Wentworth Place My dear Fanny; When I saw you last, you asked me whether you should see me again before Christmas—You would have seen me if I had been quite well. I have not, though not unwell enough to have prevented me—not indeed...

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英文欣赏:朋友和恋人From Friends to Lovers

你是我早上的阳光,夜晚的繁星; 你是海上的波浪,风中的清爽; 你是晨露中鸟儿的欢唱,你是夜晚优美的歌声; From Friends to Lovers Sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel blue, But whenever I see you, I’m as happy as can be. For you bring a smile upon my face, And a feeling of joy within my heart. You’re like my sunshine in the morning, And my stars that glow at nig...

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英文欣赏:Cherish the Freedom珍惜自由

请不要拒绝你的自由,和自由一起欢悦吧,珍惜自由,每天都去充分地利用你的自由!记住:你有自由创造你一直憧憬着的生活,选择权就在你手里…… Of all the wonderful gifts that we’ve been given, one of the greatest is freedom. Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. As much as we may deny it we are free in this life. We are free in what we think, free in wha...

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济慈诗歌:Deep in the Shady Sadness of a Vale

约翰·济慈(JohnKeats,1795年—1821年),出生于18世纪末年的伦敦,他是杰出的英诗作家之一,也是浪漫派的主要成员。 Deep in the Shady Sadness of a Vale DEEP in the shady sadness of a vale Far sunken from the healthy breath of morn, Far from the fiery noon, and eve’s one star, Sat gray-hair’d Saturn, quiet as a stone, Still as the silence round about his lair; Forest on forest hun...

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英文欣赏:我的心怦然跳动My Heart Leaps Up

每当我瞥见天空的彩虹,我的心便会怦然跳动 My Heart Leaps Up William Wordsworth My heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky; So was it when my life began; So is it now i am a man; So be it when i shall grow old, or let me die! The child is father of the man; And i could wish my days to be bound each to each by natural piety. 该诗虽短,都是十九世纪英国大诗人威廉.华兹...

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Benjamin Franklin Franklin’s life is full of charming stories which all young men should know— how he peddled ballads in Boston, and stood, the guest of kings in Europe; how he worked his passage as a stowaway to Philadelphia, and rode in the queen’s own litter in France; how he walked the streets of Philadelphia, homeless and unknown, with three penny rolls for ...

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