
Kandel's life, I believe demonstrates how a persistent curiosity can help us reach ambitious goals even with great roadblocks in the way 坎德尔的一生 很好地证明了持续的好奇心对雄心壮志的实现有多么重要它能让你不惧艰难险阻 A second tool for lifelong intellectual growth is a willingness to listen carefully to others 对于智力发展 受益终生的另一个工具是认真倾听他人的意愿 Thes...

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Mr. President 校长先生 I should now like to introduce Thomas A. Pugel 我下面要介绍 托马斯?A?普格尔 professor of economics and global business 经济和全球商务教授 vice dean for MBA programs, Leonard N. Stern School of Business 斯特恩商学院MBA项目副主任 who will present the candidate for doctor of commercial science 他将为大家介绍我们的商学博士候选人 Chair of the Board, Martin ...

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Regional aggression that goes unchecked 区域攻击性如果不加抑制 whether in southern Ukraine or the South China Sea, or anywhere else in the world will ultimately impact our allies and could draw in our military 无论是在乌克兰南部 南中国海 还是世界其它地方我们的盟国最终都会受到影响 我们有可能被迫出兵 We can't ignore what happens beyond our boundaries 我们不能忽视国界外发生...

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Thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction 感谢卡斯伦将军的介绍 To General Trainor, General Clarke the faculty and staff at West Point you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution 感谢特雷纳将军 克拉克将军感谢西点军校教职员工你们出色地管理了这所令人引以为傲的学校 and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army 出色地培养出了美...

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And through it all, we've refocused our investments in what has always been a key source of American strength: a growing economy that can provide opportunity 经过这些之后 我们将注意力重新投入到美国力量的源泉之上投入到经济增长上 为所有 for everybody who's willing to work hard and take responsibility here at home 有担当并希望努力工作的人提供机会 In fact, by most measur...

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We brainstormed and designed a host of programs to unclog the plumbing of the financial system and to keep credit flowing 我们通过头脑风暴 想出了一系列应对措施来疏通整个金融系统 让信贷保持流动 Not everything worked but we kept at it and we remained focused on the task at hand 并非所有措施都能奏效 但我们没有放弃一直专注于手中紧要的任务 I learned the lesson during this period ...

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At least since George Washington served as Commander-in-Chief there have been those who warned against foreign entanglements, 至少从乔治·华盛顿担任三军统帅以来 美国就一直都在提防国外的缠斗 that do not touch directly on our security or economic wellbeing 即便这些缠斗不会直接影响我们的安全或经济 Today, according to self-described realists conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the C...

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Like several graduates, James is a combat veteran 同其他数位毕业生一样 詹姆斯是一位战场老兵 And I would ask all of us here today to stand and pay tribute not only to the veterans among us 我要求今天在场的所有人站起来 向我们中间的老兵 but to the more than 2.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as their families 以及在伊拉克和阿富汗服役过的250多...

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So the United States is and remains the one indispensable nation 美国是 而且将一直是一个责无旁贷的领导者 That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come 一百年来是这样 未来一百年也将是这样 But the world is changing with accelerating speed 但世界正在急速变化 This presents opportunity, but also new dangers 这为我们提供机遇 但也有很多新的危...

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My predecessor at the Fed, Chairman Ben Bernanke 我在美联储的前任本·伯南克主席 demonstrated such courage 就证明了这份勇气 especially in his response to the threat of the financial crisis 特别体现在他对金融危机威胁所作出的反应 To stabilize the financial system and restore economic growth 为了让金融体系保持稳定并恢复经济增长 he took courageous actions that were unprecedented i...

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Janet, I offer you my deepest appreciation you were my teacher for macroeconomics when I was a graduate student. 珍妮特 我在此表示对你深深的尊敬你是我读研究生时的宏观经济学老师 Thank you 谢谢你 That learning has meant a lifetime to me. 这一学习过程让我受益终生 In 2004 you took the helm of the District Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco before rising to become vice chair a...

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Like Eisenhower, this generation of men and women in uniform know all too well the wages of war and that includes those of you here at West Point 同艾森豪威尔一样 这一代身着军装的年轻人 也都非常清楚战争的代价 你们西点人肯定知道这一点 Four of the servicemembers who stood in the audience when I announced the surge of our forces in Afghanistan gave their lives in that effort 在...

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In such circumstances, we have to work with others because collective action in these circumstances is more likely to succeed 这些情况下 我们需要同他人合作原因在于 这些情况下 联合行动更有可能取得成功 more likely to be sustained less likely to lead to costly mistakes 更有可能持久更不容易出现代价沉重的错误 This leads to my second point: 这就引出了我的第二点 For the foreseeable...

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For you will be part of that leadership 毕竟你们以后都将成为军队领导中的一员 First, let me repeat a principle I put forward at the outset of my presidency: 首先 请让我重申我在总统任期伊始便已明确的原则 The United States will use military force unilaterally if necessary, when our core interests demand it 美国在核心利益受到侵害时 会毫不犹豫地采取单方面军事行动 when our people ...

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We can't exempt ourselves from the rules that apply to everybody else 我们不能只要求别的国家遵守国际规则 而自己逍遥法外 We can't call on others to make commitments to combat climate change if a whole lot of our political leaders deny that it's taking place 我们不能只要求别的国家在对抗气候变化方面作出承诺而自己国家的好多政治领导者都否认气候变化正在发生 We can'...

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Our intelligence community has done outstanding work and we have to continue to protect sources and methods 情报部门的工作非常出色 我们需要继续保护情报来源和获取方法 But when we cannot explain our efforts clearly and publicly we face terrorist propaganda and international suspicion 但如果我们不能清楚地向公众解释各项行动 我们就会给恐怖主义宣传留下口实 就会面临国际上的质疑 we ...

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including training security forces in Yemen who have gone on the offensive against al Qaeda 包括训练已对基地组织发动攻势的也门安全部队 supporting a multinational force to keep the peace in Somalia working with European allies to train a functioning security force and border patrol in Libya 支援维持索马里和平的多国部队同欧洲盟友一起训练利比亚的安全部队和边境巡逻部队 and facil...

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We need partners to fight terrorists alongside us 我们需要合作伙伴 同我们并肩对抗恐怖主义者 And empowering partners is a large part of what we have done and what we are currently doing in Afghanistan 提高伙伴的反恐能力 也正是我们在阿富汗一直在做的事 Together with our allies, America struck huge blows against al Qaeda core and pushed back against an insurgency that threatened...

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Likewise, the U.N. provides a platform to keep the peace in states torn apart by conflict 类似地 联合国提供了一个平台为冲突频发的国家争取和平 Now we need to make sure that those nations who provide peacekeepers have the training and equipment to actually keep the peace 现在 我们需要确保 这些帮助维和的国家能够拥有维持和平所必需的训练和装备 so that we can prevent the type of k...

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America does not simply stand for stability or the absence of conflict no matter what the cost 美国并非希望不择手段 追求稳定与和平 We stand for the more lasting peace that can only come through opportunity and freedom for people everywhere 我们坚信持久的和平 只能通过各地人民享有同等的机会和自由来实现 Which brings me to the fourth and final element of American leadership: 这...

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