
So why did we do it? I think some people were genuinely upset, 我们为什么会做出这样的行为的呢?依我之见,有的人确实是因为被冒犯了, but I think for other people, it’s because Twitter is basically a mutual approval machine. 但更多的人是因为推特本是个互相恭维的工具。 We surround ourselves with people who feel the same way we do, 我们只允许志同道合的人在周...

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Maybe there’s two types of people in the world: 也许这世界有两种人: those people who favor humans over ideology, and those people who favor ideology over humans. 一种人相信人性高于意识形态,一种人相信意识形态高于人性。 I favor humans over ideology, but right now, the ideologues are winning, 我属于前者,但眼下,后者正占据上风, and they’re creating a stage for co...

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You know, another woman on Twitter that night, a New Statesman writer Helen Lewis, 那晚在推特上的还有New Statesman杂志的作家海伦·刘易斯, she reviewed my book on public shaming and wrote that she Tweeted that night, 她给我关于众羞的那本书写了书评,她写到,当晚她也发个推文: “I’m not sure that her joke was intended to be racist,” “我不敢肯定她的笑话是藏有种...

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Justine was fired, of course, because social media demanded it. 毫无疑问,贾丝婷把工作丢了,因为这是社交媒体上的民意。 But it was worse than that. She was losing herself. 但更糟的是,她逐渐迷失了自己。 She was waking up in the middle of the night, forgetting who she was. 有时她半夜醒来,竟然不记得自己是谁。 She was got because she was perceived to have misused her privilege....

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And then came the trolls: 继而就是那些寻畔的了: Somebody else on that wrote, 有人在那上面写道: “Somebody HIV-positive should rape this bitch and then we’ll find out if her skin color protects her from AIDS.” “应该找个艾滋阳性的去强奸那母狗,我们就能知道她的肤色能否保护她不染艾滋了。” And that person got a free pass. Nobody went after th...

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In the early days of Twitter, it was like a place of radical de-shaming. Twitter刚出不久时,像是个奇葩类的供洗耻的地方。 People would admit shameful secrets about themselves, and other people would say, “Oh my God, I’m exactly the same.” 人们会直讳一些羞于启齿的秘密,其他人就会搭腔说,“天啊,我跟你一模一样。” Voiceless people realized that they...

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Let me tell you a story. It’s about a woman called Justine Sacco. 这里给各位说个故事。一位名叫贾丝婷·萨科的女士的故事。 She was a PR woman from New York with 170 Twitter followers, 她住纽约,从事公关工作,有170 位推特粉丝, and she’d Tweet little acerbic jokes to them, like this one on a plane from New York to London: 不时会发些尖酸刻薄的笑话,比...

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What had happened is that one of her 170 followers had sent the Tweet to a Gawker journalist, 发生了啥事呢,就是她的那170个粉丝当中有一人将这条推文转发给了Gawker网的一个记者, and he retweeted it to his 15,000 followers: 后者又转发给自己的15000名粉丝: And then it was like a bolt of lightning. 接下来就一发不可收拾了。 A few weeks later, I talked to the Gaw...

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I don’t think the foundation did this because they were monstrous. 该基金会的如此做法我不认为是出于豺狼之性。 I think they were clueless: 我认为他们是愚昧而已: I think this was a unique moment when the beautiful naivety of Twitter was hitting the increasingly horrific reality. 以我之见,就在那特别一刻,推特的美丽单纯与现实的日益残酷来了场正面碰撞。 ...

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So the other night — yesterday — we were at dinner, and there were two discussions going on. 昨晚我们一起吃饭时,有两个讨论在同时进行。 On one side you were talking with people around the table — and that was a nice, constructive discussion. 一个发生在你和同桌其他人之间–这个讨论气氛良好、很有建设性。 On the other, every time you turned to...

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What strikes me about Justine’s story is also the fact that if you Google her name today, 贾丝婷的故事最触动我的是你如今若在谷歌去搜她的名字, this story covers the first 100 pages of Google results — there is nothing else about her. 搜索结果的开头100页都是说她这个故事的–没有任何其他关于她的信息。 In your book, you mention another story of anot...

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