
I'm going to talk about hackers. 今天我要谈的是有关黑客的话题。 And the image that comes to your mind 当我说到“黑客”这个词的时候 when I say that word is probably not 你脑中所出现的画面可能不会是 of Benjamin Franklin, 本杰明·富兰克林, but I'm going to explain to you why it should be. 但我想要告诉你,为什么应该是富兰克林。 The image that comes to your mind 你脑中出现...

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Now the site itself was easy enough to build, 网站本身是容易建成的, but the team was faced with the challenge 但团队面临的挑战是 of how they populate all of the content. 他们如何填充所有内容。 It would have taken the three of them 这将会占用他们三个人 a very long time, 很长的时间, especially given that none of them are actually from Honolulu. 特别是在他们都不是,檀香山本地...

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