
The thing that I've been struggling with is why. Why do we agree on health? 我一直在纠结的是为什么。为什么我们在健康方面意见一致? We agree on health because it is common sense. 我们对健康意见一致是因为这是常识。 We all know that the things we need to get healthy — medicine and medical care 我们全都知道对我们健康重要的东西–药物和医疗保健, are not the things ...

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如果你要问谁是这个世界上最富有的人?还是比尔·盖茨吗?不!不是,而是罗伯森·沃尔顿先生。如果你要问谁是世界500强之首?微软吗?通用汽车吗?GE吗?IBM吗?都不是!而是山姆·沃尔顿家族的沃尔玛。 20世纪60年代,在美国兴起了众多的零售商店,经过40多年的争斗搏杀,沃尔玛从美国中部阿肯色州的本顿维尔小城崛起,到目前为止,沃尔玛商店总数达到4000多家,年收入2400多亿美元,列全球500强...

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独立性很强 在美国,学习是孩子自己的事。美国学生从小就养成了“按照兴趣学习”、“学习是自己的事”的自主学习态度。不仅如此,这种独立精神早已深入到孩子成长的各个方面,如果在美国,一个孩子18岁以后,就要自己去赚钱养活自己。即使是一些非常富裕的家庭,也通常不会替孩子支出各种费用,而是要他们给家里写借条,要求他们毕业后返还。这种花父母的钱还要偿还的情况,如果发生中...

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他是一家电视台的主持人,主要负责报时和节目介绍。一成不变的工作内容让他觉得索然无味,而这枯燥的工作,他一天要重复好几次。更为糟糕的还不止这些,工作中的不顺心直接影响了他的生活质量,而糟糕的生活质量又反过来干扰着他的工作状态。 他陷入了恶性循环。 在他的潜意识中,工作不好是他做不好工作的重要原因。经过长时间的煎熬,他挺不住了,他不想自己的青春就这样浪费,他不甘心自己的年华就这样...

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对美国说NO 作者:王恩山 1946年,已是著名力学专家的钱伟长,放弃了年薪8万美元的优厚待遇,以探亲为由从美国回国,随即在清华大学机械系任教。为培养更多好学生,他一个星期讲17堂课(一般教授只上6堂即可)。尽管如此,钱伟长那时的月工资为15万金圆券,只够买两个暖瓶,日子几乎无法维持。迫于生计,他只好在北京大学工学院和燕京大学工学院兼课,奔波于3所大学之间,但仍不得温饱,最后他不得不向单身...

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爱因斯坦一度受邀去荷兰莱顿大学执教,他对宿舍的要求是:有牛奶、饼干、水果,再加一把小提琴、一张床、一张写字台和一把椅子即可。学校当然全部满足爱因斯坦的“奢求”,爱因斯坦兴高采烈地喊道:“有了这些东西,我还需要什么?什么都不需要啦!” 后为躲避法西斯迫害,爱因斯坦移居美国,普林斯顿大学以当时最高年薪16000美元聘请他,他却说:“这么多钱?能否少一点?给我3000美元就够了!”人们大惑不解,...

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喝过刷锅水的四星上将 作者:赵元波 美国四星上将巴顿是个爱兵如子的人,他脾气暴躁粗鲁,有时由于冲动,不分青红皂白,难免会做出一些武断的事情来,他尤其不能容忍在士兵的伙食上弄虚作假的人,经常到食堂检查士兵的伙食情况。 这天,巴顿将军对士兵食堂搞了一次突然袭击。一走进食堂他就看见有个士兵站在一口大汤锅前用锅铲在搅拌着,看到锅里的汤色不正常,巴顿皱了皱眉头,命令其中的一个士兵说:“让我...

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一个美国小伙的中国“长征” 作者:刘子倩 研究红歌,爱中国革命史,最爱陕西面,24岁美国小伙潘亚当,骑摩托重走红军长征路。他历时三个月长途跋涉,从红都江西瑞金出发,沿着当年红军的长征路线,经贵州、云南、四川、甘肃等省份,最终到达革命圣地——延安,历时90余天,行程8000多公里。潘亚当试图用双脚丈量这段久远的传奇,参与和记录这段正在变化的历史。 “这才叫世界啊” 潘亚当出生在加拿大蒙特利尔,是...

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奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了1

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please, have a seat. Thank you very much, Tom, for the gracious(亲切的,高尚的) introduction. I want to make a few other acknowledgments. To Tom Bell, the Chamber Board President, thank you for helping to organize this. There are some members of my administration I want to make sure are introduced. My Chief of Staff, Bill Daley, is here....

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奥巴马演讲 我相信美国1

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Ohio! Thank you, Cleveland! (Applause.) Thank you so much. Thank you very much, everybody. Everybody, please have a seat. Have a seat. We’ve got some business to do today. (Applause.) Thank you very much. AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you! THE PRESIDENT: I love you back. Thank you. Before we get started I want to just acknowledge some outstanding p...

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奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了4

I know that folks here have concerns about this law. And I understand it. If you’re running a business right now and you’re seeing these escalating(上升的) health care costs, your instinct is if I’ve got even more laws on top of me, that’s going to increase my costs even more. I understand that suspicion, that skepticism. But the non-partisan congre...

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奥巴马演讲 讨论通过《美国工作法案》的必要性

I’ve spent some time lately traveling the country and talking with folks outside of Washington. And the number one issue for the people I meet is how we can get back to a place where we’re creating good, middle-class jobs that pay well and offer some security. That’s the idea behind the American Jobs Act. It’s a jobs bill that does two simple things: ...

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奥巴马演讲 针对利比亚局势谈及美国的行动2

In this effort, the United States is prepared to act as part of an international coalition. American leadership is essential, but that does not mean acting alone -– it means shaping the conditions for the international community to act together.That’s why I have directed Secretary Gates and our military to coordinate their planning, and tomorrow Secretary Clinton...

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奥巴马演讲 我相信美国4

That’s why we’re trying to make it easier for workers to save for retirement and fighting the efforts of some in the other party to privatize Social Security — because as long as I’m President, no one is going to take the retirement savings of a generation of Americans and hand it over to Wall Street. Not on my watch. (Applause.) That’s why we&r...

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