
It was named after the platoon medic. 这曾是一个野战排医疗兵的名字。 that had been killed about two months into the deployment. 他在战地工作两个月后就牺牲了。 It was a few plywood B-huts clinging to a side of a ridge,and sandbags, bunkers, gun positions, and there were 20 men up there of Second Platoon, Battle Company. 所谓的哨站就是几个胶合板搭建的兵舍。靠着山脊的一侧而建还...

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I'm going to ask and try to answer in some ways, kind of an uncomfortable question. 接下来我会问一些而且也会回答一些令人感到不太舒服的问题。 Both civilians, obviously, and soldiers,suffer in war; I don't think any civilian has ever missed,the war that they were subjected to. 很显然,不管是老百姓还是士兵。都深受战争之苦。我觉得老百姓中不会有哪个人会想念曾经经历过的战...

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Young men will go to great lengths to have that experience. 年轻人对这种刺激的感受更加深刻。 It's wired into us. 这种感觉输入到我们体内。 It's hormonally supported. 伴随着激素的作用。 The mortality rate for young men in society,is six times what it is for young women,from violence and from accidents, just the stupid stuff that young men do: 社会上,年轻男性的死亡率是...

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He remembers people saying, as he was sort of half-conscious, he remembers people saying, Steiner's been hit in the head. Steiner's dead. 他记得。在他处于半清醒状态时听到人们说:斯坦纳被射中了头部。斯坦纳死了。 And he was thinking, I'm not dead. 他想:我没死。 And he sat up. 于是坐了起来。 And Brendan realized after that he could not protect his men,and that was ...

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And he thought about it quite a long time, 他想了很久。 and finally he said, "Ma'am, I miss almost all of it." 最后说:"太太,我怀念那里所有的一切。"。 And he's one of the most traumatized people I've seen from that war. 他是我见过的经历了战争的人中受创伤最为严重的人之一。 "Ma'am, I miss almost all of it." 他说的这句"太太,...

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