
So listen, all of the work I've shown you, 听我说,我向你们展示的所有工作, the stuff that I've built that's all around me on this stage 我身边所有这些自己造出来的东西, and the other projects my lab is involved in 还有我的实验室参与的其他项目, are all a direct result of me playing with your garbage. 都是我玩转你们丢的垃圾的直接结果。 Play — play is a key ...

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What I'm really curious about is if one day, 我真正好奇的是会不会有一天, it will be possible to repair, rebuild and augment our own bodies with stuff we make in the kitchen. 人们有可能修复、改造、强化我们自己的身体,用到的只是我们厨房里的材料。 Speaking of kitchens, here's some asparagus. 好,说到厨房,这是一些芦笋。 They're tasty, and they make your pee smell f...

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I actually brought this up with my wife. 我也跟我的老婆提起过这件事, She's a musical instrument maker, and she does a lot of wood carving for a living. 她是一位乐器制造家,也把制作木雕当成一种职业。 So I asked her, "Could you, like, literally carve some ears out of an apple for us?" 所以我问她,“你可以为我们用苹果雕刻出一些耳朵吗?” And she did. So I took her ...

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So one day I was hacking something, I was taking it apart, and I had this sudden idea: 有一天我正在拆解东西,我突然产生了这样的想法: Could I treat biology like hardware? 我能不能把生物体当作硬件? Could I dismantle a biological system, mix and match the parts 我能不能拆分一个生物系统,混合并配对拆分出来的部分, and then put it back together in some new and creative way? 然...

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I've got a confession. I love looking through people's garbage. 坦白地说,我喜欢翻看别人丢弃的垃圾。 Now, it's not some creepy thing. 这可不是什么怪癖。 I'm usually just looking for old electronics, stuff I can take to my workshop and hack. 我通常只是寻找旧的电子器件,那些我可以带回工作室进行改装的东西。 I do have a fetish for CD-ROM drives. 我尤其痴迷于光盘...

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工作间隙 按摩耳朵来放松

在工作间隙,或上下班途中,将耳朵揉一揉、拉一拉,每天只需花几分钟,不仅可使身体的不适症状减轻或消失,还能使人神清气爽、精神振奋、疲劳消除。 首先是摩擦耳廓。以掌心前后摩擦耳廓正反面10余次,这样可以对全身起到保健作用,能疏通经络、振奋脏腑。然后,用拇、食指上下摩擦耳轮部10余次,别看方法简单,对于缓解上班族常见的颈、肩、腰、腿痛,以及头痛、头晕很有效果。 摩擦完毕,该上下提拉耳朵...

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如果嘴失去耳朵 作者:江东旭 她是个乖巧可爱的女孩,可是,就在她3岁时,教她的幼儿园老师却发现她跟别的孩子不大一样,不仅说话含糊不清,而且似乎听力也有问题。爸爸妈妈带着她去医院检查,结果发现她患有重度神经性耳聋。 重度神经性耳聋是一种目前无法治愈的疾病,意味着她将永远生活在寂静的世界里。面对着无情的现实,爸爸妈妈没有放弃她,而是决心尽力挽救她,让她能像一个正常的孩子一样生活。 为...

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