
Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the American auto industry, who are busy writing a new chapter in America’s story. Just a few years ago, their industry was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs. Two of the Big Three – GM and Chrysler – were on the brink of failure. If we had let this great American industry collapse ...

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Hello, everybody.In the State of the Union, I laid out three areas we need to focus on if we’re going to build an economy that lasts: new American manufacturing, new skills and education for American workers, and new sources of American-made energy.These days, we’re getting another painful reminder why developing new energy is so important to our future. Just like they did l...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好! On Thursday, I visited a steel plant in Cleveland, Ohio to talk about what we're doing to rebuild our economy on a new foundation for stronger, more durable economic growth. 本周四,我参观了俄亥俄州克里夫兰市一家钢铁厂,在那里我谈到了我们当前正在做的事情,为重建经济体系打下更坚实的新的基础,保证经济可持续发展。 One area where we've made great ...

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TED演讲之神童 没错,我制造了一个核聚变发生器(1)

So my name is Taylor Wilson. I am 17 years old and I am a nuclear physicist, which may be a little hard to believe, but I am. 我叫泰勒 威尔逊,今年17岁,我是一名核物理学家,可能你们很难相信,但我确实是。 And I would like to make the case that nuclear fusion will be that point, that the bridge that T. Boone Pickens talked about will get us to. 我想说核聚变就是布恩·皮肯斯(他...

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TED演讲之神童 没错,我制造了一个核聚变发生器(2)

So this previous year, I won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. 因此上一年,我赢下了国际科学以及工程大会活动的第一名。 I developed a detector that replaces the current detectors that Homeland Security has. 我创造一个取代目前国家安全局使用的探测器。 For hundreds of dollars, I've developed a system that exceeds the sensitivity of detectors that are hundr...

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