
Starry starry night paint your palette blue and grey lookout on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills sketch the trees and daffodils catch the breeze and the winter chills in colors on the snowy linen land 繁星点点的夜晚 你的画板上只调制了蓝与灰 用你那双看得见我灵魂污—秽的眼睛 在炎夏之日向外望 山坡上的暗影 勾勒出树木与水仙的轮廓 ...

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And for the public, medical illustrations may only be encountered passively on the walls of a doctor's office. 而对于普通人来说,医学插画可能只是偶尔在医生办公室的墙上瞥见过。 From the beginnings of modern medicine, medical illustration, and therefore anatomy, 自现代医学诞生以来,医学插画和随后的人体解剖学, have existed primarily within the realm of medical education. ...

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As a lover of human anatomy, 作为人体解剖学的爱好者, I'm so excited that we're finally putting our bodies at the center of focus. 我很高兴我们终于开始关注人体之美了。 Through practices such as preventive medicine, patient empowerment and self-monitoring 从预防医学、病患赋权、自我监测, down to now obsessing over every single step we take in a day. 到现在我们甚至痴迷...

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Fear of anatomy and guts is a learned reaction. 对解剖的恐惧不是天生的。 This anatomization also extends to politically and socially charged objects. 这种解剖艺术也蔓延到了政治和社会话题上。 In Noah Scalin's "Anatomy of War," we see a gun dissected to reveal human organs. 在诺亚·斯凯林的《解剖战争》中,我们看到内部有着人体器官的枪, But if you look closely, you...

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Nothing can elicit an emotional response — 任何事物都无法像人体一样 from joy to complete disgust — more than the human body. 表达诸多情感–从快乐到厌恶至极。 And today, artists armed with that emotion, 当今,艺术家正运用这一情感, are grasping anatomy from the medical world, 带着解剖学从医学走出来, and are reinvigorating it through art in the most imaginati...

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They also showed them as very much dead — unwillingly stripped of their skin. 同样,也可以画得很逼真–被硬剥去外皮。 Disembodied limbs were often posed in literal still lives. 脱离躯干的肢体通常作为静物写生的对象。 And some illustrations even included pop culture references. 一些插图甚至还能看到流行文化的影子。 This is Clara, a famous rhinoceros that was traveling...

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Then there are artists who are extracting anatomy from both the medical world and the art world 还有些艺术家将解剖学从艺术和医学中抽离, and are placing it directly on the streets. 直接带上了街头。 London-based SHOK-1 paints giant X-rays of pop culture icons. 位于伦敦的SHOK-1展示了关于流行文化的巨幅X光片的涂鸦。 His X-rays show how culture can come to have an anatomy of its ...

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And for me it's a balance between the technique and a concept that pushes the boundaries of anatomy as a way to know thyself, 我觉得重点是要平衡技巧和突破解剖学自我认知的理念, which is why the work of Michael Reedy struck me. 这也是迈克尔·里迪的作品打动我的地方。 His serious figure drawings are often layered in elements of humor. 他画的严肃的人像透着一丝幽默。 For insta...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(4)

My crew once pulled our van up to a really poor Miami neighborhood 我的团队曾经把车停在一个非常贫穷的迈阿密社区, and we found out that our couchsurfing host for the night was an 18-year-old girl, still living at home, 我们发现当晚招待我们的是一个依然与父母同住的18岁女孩, and her family were all undocumented immigrants from Honduras. 他们一家人都是来自洪都拉斯的非法移民。 A...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(6)

We sign, and there's all this hype leading up to our next record. 签约之后,公司举办了大量的宣传活动为我们的新唱片造势。 It comes out and it sells about 25,000 copies in the first few weeks, and the label considers this a failure. 唱片推出之后仅仅几周就卖出两万五千张,但是我们的厂牌认为这是一张失败的专辑。 I was like, "25,000, isn't that a lot?" 我当时就说...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(7)

And you can see how many people it is. It's about 25,000 people. 可以看出有多少人参与了募款。大约两万五千人。 And the media asked, "Amanda, the music business is tanking and you encourage piracy. 媒体会问,“Amanda,音乐产业在衰亡,而你鼓励盗版。 How did you make all these people pay for music?" 你是如何让这么多人为音乐付钱的?” And the real answer is, I didn...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(1)

So, I didn't always make my living from music. 我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 For about the five years after graduating from an upstanding liberal arts university, this was my day job. 自从我五年前从一所正派的文理学院毕业起,这是我白天的工作。 I was a self-employed living statue called the Eight-Foot Bride, and I love telling people I did this for a job, 我是一座个体经营的、名为...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(8)

I recommend this, especially if those strangers are drunk German people. 我推荐这种方式,尤其是这些陌生人都是醉酒的德国人的时候。 This was a ninja master-level fan connection, 这是与歌迷交流的最高级别, because what I was really saying here was, I trust you this much. Should I? Show me. 因为我真正传达的信息是,我就是这样信任你们。我应该这样做吗?用行动告诉我。 For most of hu...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(3)

And then Twitter came along, and made things even more magic, because I could ask instantly for anything anywhere. 后来,微博的出现让事情变得更加神奇,因为我可以在任意时间和地点提出任何要求。 So I would need a piano to practice on, and an hour later I would be at a fan's house. 我可能会需要一架钢琴练习,一个小时之后,我就在歌迷的家里弹琴。 This is in London. People would...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(5)

Is this how stupid people die? And before I can change my mind, the door busts open. 愚蠢的人是不是就是这样死的?我还没来得及改变主意,门就打开了。 She's an artist. He's a financial blogger for Reuters, and they're pouring me a glass of red wine and offering me a bath, 她是一位艺术家。他是路透社的一位金融博客写手,他们给我倒了一杯红酒让我洗澡, and I have had tho...

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TED演讲之身体语言 请求的艺术(2)

And I would get harassed sometimes. People would yell at me from their cars. "Get a job!" 有时候我会被骚扰。开车路过的人从车里对我大喊。“找份工作去!” And I'd be, like, "This is my job." But it hurt, because it made me fear that I was somehow doing something un-joblike and unfair, shameful. 我的反应是“这就是我的工作。”但是这让我很伤心,因为这让我感觉...

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