I remember, I rememberThe house where I was born,The little window where the sunCame peeping in at 1)morn;He never came a wink too soonNor brought too long a day;But now, I often wish the nightHad bor
Men vs. Animal 人类与动物 I always enjoy watching nature shows. 我一直喜欢看自然节目。 Since I really get to see animals in the nature habitat in person seeing them doing what they normally do on television is the ne
From time to time, he will fly to the US as he does not feel Shanghai is where he came from. 偶尔,当他在上海没有归属感的时候,他就飞回美国。 "But when I am in the States, I feel that's not my destination either,&qu
English Manners 英国人的礼貌 British people are quite reserved when greeting one another. 英国人在相互打招呼的时候都很保守。 Greeting can be a "Hello" "Hi" or "Good morning", when yu arrive at
Friendship in China and the West 中西方的友谊 Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. 忠实友谊注重天长地久 For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes. Chinese are friends even if they haven'
Hire very carefully—you're creating an enduring culture. Bezos would rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person, Why? 公司用人非常谨慎——你想创建的是一种持久的文化。贝佐斯宁愿面试50个人也没有找到合适的人,也不愿意录用
Imagination 想象力 Imagination is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, and do not happen in the past. 想象力是一种能力。它可以在脑海中勾勒出现实生活中不存在、不在场或过去曾经发生过的心理画面、物体或活动。 I
Love Guide 爱情指南 Are you really in love? Being in love is a powerful feeling. The emotions are intense. 你确实在恋爱吗?堕入爱河是一种轰轰烈烈的感情。情感是激烈的。 It is so exciting that it may be hard to concentrate on school, wo
Harry Potter: Excellent or Evil? 哈利·波特:优秀还是邪恶? Harry Potter books have spent the past year quite comfortably on bestseller lists nationwide. 哈利·波特系列丛书在过去一年都稳居全国畅销书排行榜。 Controversy over the series of f
At the very least we can likely recall feeling a need to escape everyday trials at school or at home. 至少我们能够回忆出过去,那些每天想着逃离学校的实验或者避开家人责备的日子。 Harry has his escape; he takes the reader with him, and it's
Face to Face with Tom Cruise 与汤姆·克鲁斯面对面 Change terrifies most of us. Not Tom Cruise. Want proof? His dad abandoned his family, and he grew up poor. 改变让我们感到畏惧。但是汤姆·克鲁斯不会。想知道为什么这么说吗?他的父亲抛弃了家庭,他出生贫寒。 He
RD:What do you think your strength is as a parent? 作为父亲,你觉得你的强项是什么? Cruise:Everything! I'm a great parent. I want to be with my kids. They are happy. They get to do all the stuff I wanted to do when I
What Makes the Internet Attractive? 因特网的魅力何在? Cyberspace communications, including email discussion groups, chatrooms, bulletin boards and blogs, offer people an opportunity to experience a form of so
A Boy Named Nkosi 有个男孩名叫纳考西 In 1989 in a Zulu village, Daphne gave birth to a baby, named Xolani Nkosi. The baby was tiny, no more than two kilos. 1989年,达芙妮生了一孩子,叫做纳考西。婴儿非常小,体重不足两千克。 As the months pas
How happy Are you? 你快乐吗? Self-test 自我测试 Find out with this test designed by Dr. Raj Persaud, consultant psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, London. Consider the following statements: 你喜欢自测吗?下面这个由伦敦
Living On-Campus vs. Off-Campus 住在宿舍还是在校外租房 It's the question that every college student must answer. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages so it is important for you to weigh your choi
"Surely", I suggested to Jim's teacher, "the course Jim got on with such low marks would be the sort of course that wouldn't be worth doing anyway." “真的是这样,”我和吉米的老师建议道,“吉米得分很低的课程就没有必要再读下去。” "Not at al
If any other cat has more food in its bowl, then any self-respecting cat will resent you for not intervening on its behalf. Cats are a bit conservative by nature, but will eventually move house if the
In the beginning it only conducted research for a few weeks in a year, but eventually the Bureau established mobile camera stations. 开始时,一年中只有几周做调查,但是最终调查局建设成移动相机站。 Searches were conducted using hot-a
Between Men and Women 男女之间 Men's Declaration 男人的宣言 1. Most guys own three pairs of shoes—enough. 大多数男人有三双鞋——足够了。 2. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympa