善于抓住关键词句,重视全文理解 捕捉信息重点是听力测试中的重要一环,不少人听力差的根本原因就是听录音时抓不住重点,只是盲目地逐字逐句地听,这样往往会产生捡了芝麻丢了西瓜的现象。一般来说,我们可将测试重点归结为以wh疑问句所表示的意义上。通过阅读对比选项,预测短文内容及重点后,着意听出关键词语及结论性语言,而不必追求逐字逐句地听懂和翻译。学会抓住关键词,就会引起对某个情景或情节的...
善于抓住关键词句,重视全文理解 捕捉信息重点是听力测试中的重要一环,不少人听力差的根本原因就是听录音时抓不住重点,只是盲目地逐字逐句地听,这样往往会产生捡了芝麻丢了西瓜的现象。一般来说,我们可将测试重点归结为以wh疑问句所表示的意义上。通过阅读对比选项,预测短文内容及重点后,着意听出关键词语及结论性语言,而不必追求逐字逐句地听懂和翻译。学会抓住关键词,就会引起对某个情景或情节的...
口语交流可以说是英语学习的最终目的,最后落实地就是可以用英语来进行交流,也是检验学习能力一个小小的标准,因此在孩子学习的关键时期提升口语能力是很有必要的。 尽可能多地给学生提供口语交流的机会 加入大量的以学生为主导的练习方式,为学生提供开口说话的机会,还可以通过情景模拟,使学生掌握一些日常活动的语言表达功能。 激发学生学习英语口语的兴趣 通过开展有趣的课上课下口语活动,让孩子逐...
兴趣,都说兴趣是最好的老师,所以想要掌握多门外国语的前提就是自己要对所学的或者所掌握的外国语有一定的兴趣,这样我们才能在学习的过程中能够尽快的掌握。除此之外,还要学会将学到的外国语之间进行融会贯通。 听,在学习外国语的时候,可以多听相关的听力。每天给自己规定要听的内容,还有就是最好每天能够固定自己听的时间是多久,如果听不懂的话,可以拿着听力材料对着看,这样一边听一边看,相信不...
提高口语交际能力,改变中式口语习惯 由于中、英文在语法结构表达方式上的不同,要想提高口语能力就要做到注意区分。 了解西方文化 因为中西方文化差异的原因,比如在与人交谈时,他们希望有目光交流,这样才能显示出你的真诚。而在中国,尤其是在面对长辈的时候,我们会尽可能避免直接的目光交流。可以通过社交媒体,了解他们的实时热点,流行的电影、书籍等。 可以加上肢体语言 肢体语言也能很好的帮助我...
从小学到大的英语,许多人对于应试答题的技巧驾轻就熟,作文可以背模板直接套用,完形填空和阅读理解通过题海战术也是可以攻略。但是,等孩子们的年龄越来越大,却越来越少的人能够用英语进行交流。 很多家长也注意到了这个问题,开始重视孩子们的口语练习,外教课,一对一,只要是能利用的方法全部用起来,但是鲜有成效。孩子的嘴巴还是打不开,很多时候是被逼着才开始说英语。孩子这边对说英语也有抵触心...
口语交际是人们交流思想、传播信息、表达情感的重要形式。口语交际能力是极其重要的,它是从事一切实践活动必备的基本功。 创建出良好的课堂教学氛围 通过实践可以看出,良好的课堂氛围可以帮助学生克服心理上的障碍。且进行口语上的练习,也可以帮助学生解决自身的紧张感与压力,转变对英语知识的错误看法。其次,也要认识到教师的教学态度也关系到了学生的学习质量。因此,在课堂教学中教师就要保证自身...
随着我国与各国的合作交往愈来愈频繁,具存较好外语口才的人也愈来愈受欢迎。但由于受教育体制和语言环境等因素的影响,学生大多英语口头表达能力不强。那该如何提高英语口语能力呢? 01.复述 学英语离不开记忆,记忆不是硬记硬背,要有灵活性。复述就是一种很好的自我训练口语,记忆单词。句子的形式。复述有两种常见的方法。一是阅读后复述,一是听语音后复述。听语音后复述会更好些,这种方法既练听力,...
My room at home was too small for me. I barely had room for all the little knickknacks I’d collected over the years. There were so many things I had to pack away in boxes and store in closets all over the house. Oftentimes I didn’t quite remember exactly where everything was.我在家里的房间很小,偏偏我平时又喜欢搜集一些可爱的小玩意,几年下来,各种各样小玩意就渐渐...
TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER’S BROADCAST ON 3 MARCH 2000 The scenes this week from Mozambique have been incredibly moving. I don’t suppose any of us will forget the extraordinary courage of the pregnant woman clambering for safety up a tree having to give birth there and then, fortunately mother and baby being winched by helicopter to safety minutes later. Th...
Transcript of the Prime Minister’s Broadcast on the NHS Plan Friday 28 July 2000 The creation of the National Health Service back in 1948 lifted a massive worry from people’s lives. For the first time, health care did not depend on wealth. Need, not ability to pay, was what mattered. Every family in Britain – and certainly mine – has its own reasons t...
Good morning. Christmas is fast approaching, and I know many of you are busy trying to finish up your holiday shopping. This week, we received good news about the economy that should brighten the season and keep us optimistic about the year ahead. First, the Commerce Department released figures showing that sales for America’s retailers were up in November and that the...
Transcript of the Prime Minister’s broadcast on Foot and Mouth Disease This weekend will see the traditional start to the tourism season in Britain – when hundreds of castles, historic houses, wildlife centres and other attractions open their doors to visitors after the winter break. There’s no doubt however, that this year the tourist season has been overs...
Good morning. As families across our Nation gather to celebrate Christmas, Laura and I send our best wishes for the holidays. We hope that your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship. At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ’s message of love and hope. Christmas reminds us that we have a duty to others, and we see that sense of duty fulfill...
PRIME MINISTER’S INTERNET BROADCAST, 13 APRIL 2000 – RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA I’m sometimes asked why so much of a Prime Minister’s time is spent on foreign affairs when there are so many pressing problems here at home. And I’ve got some sympathy with this point of view, not least because I know more than anyone what needs to be done here. But I al...
(Dec.2 ,2006) Good morning. This week, Americans across our Nation gather with loved ones to give thanks for the many blessings we share. We’re grateful for our friends and families, who fill our lives with meaning and purpose. We’re grateful to live in a land of plenty and during a time of great prosperity. And we’re grateful to Almighty God for the freedo...
(Dec.2 ,2006) Good morning. I returned home this week from a visit to the Middle East. On my trip, I met with Prime Minister Maliki of Iraq to discuss how we can improve the situation on the ground in his country and help the Iraqis build a lasting democracy. My meeting with Prime Minister Maliki was our third since he took office six months ago. With each meeting, I’m...
Transcript by the Prime Minister and Taoiseach for Internet broadcast on Northern Ireland, 20/04/00 Prime Minister I want to talk today about a subject on which I’ve probably spent almost as much time as anything else since I became Prime Minister – the efforts to find a fair and lasting peace for Northern Ireland. I am also delighted that the Irish Prime Ministe...
Prime Minister’s broadcast 10 November 2000 – Pre-Budget Report If your home or business is flooded, or your journey to work badly disrupted because of floods or work on the railways, it’s not been a pleasant time. I saw for myself last week the devastation caused by the flooding. But few people would have thought that a week later the floods would, in many...
The New Deal for older people Overall the British economy is stronger today, but, if we are to continue to increase prosperity and living standards, we have to make sure that we have the best possible use of the talents and energy of all the British people. We can’t afford to waste potential. Human resources are the great natural resource of a country in the 21st Centu...
Good morning. This week, I held important meetings at the White House about the situation in Iraq. On Monday, I met in the Oval Office with one of Iraq’s most influential Shia leaders, His Eminence Abdul Aziz al Hakim. We discussed the desire of the Iraqi people to see their unity government succeed, and how the United States can help them achieve that goal. On Thursda...