On the death of Martin Luther King

政治演讲之九:肯尼迪总统悼念马丁·路德·金 On the death of Martin Luther King By Robert F. Kennedy Ladies and Gentlemen — I’m only going to talk to you just for a minute or so this evening. Because… I have some very sad news for all of you, and I think sad news for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin L...

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Remarks by Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth G20 Sherpa Meeting

外交部副部长李保东在2016年二十国集团峰会第五次协调人会议开幕式上的致辞(中英对照版) 外交部副部长李保东在2016年二十国集团峰会第五次协调人会议开幕式上的致辞 Remarks by Vice Foreign Minister Li Baodong at the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth G20 Sherpa Meeting 2016年10月27日 October 27, 2016 各位同事: Dear Colleagues, 早上好!上个月,二十国集团领导人第十一次峰会在杭州圆满落幕...

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11月1日,地方政府职能转变和机构改革工作电视电话会议在北京召开。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理、中央编制委员会主任李克强发表讲话。 不久前,党中央、国务院颁发了《关于地方政府职能转变和机构改革的意见》,这是贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届二中全会精神作出的又一项重大决策,是指导和规范地方政府改革的重要文件。今天的会议是继今年5月国务院机构职能转变动员电视电话会议后又一次重要会议,主要...

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李克强总理 国务院总理李克强23日在巴基斯坦参议院发表题为《让全天候友谊结出新硕果》的演讲,回顾了过去,展望了未来,为中巴之间源远流长的友谊做出了精湛的演说,让全天候友谊结出新硕果。 尊敬的博哈里参议院主席、米尔扎国民议会议长,尊敬的各位参议院议员,女士们,先生们: Your Excellency Senate Chairman Bokhari, Your Excellency National Assembly Speaker Mirza, Your Excellencies Member...

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Speech at the “Roundtable on Asian Regional Cooperation Organizations” at the Boao Forum for Asia An

刘振民在博鳌亚洲论坛2017年会亚洲区域合作组织圆桌会上的发言(中英对照版) 坚定信心,深化亚洲区域合作 Deepen Regional Cooperation in Asia With Renewed Confidence ——在博鳌亚洲论坛2017年会亚洲区域合作组织圆桌会上的发言 – Speech at the “Roundtable on Asian Regional Cooperation Organizations” at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2017 外交部副部长 刘振民 H.E. Liu Zhenmin...

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The Lost Tools of Learning(Excerpt)

女性演讲特辑之五:英国著名作家呼吁学子重学经典 The Lost Tools of Learning(Excerpt) Dorothy Sayers That I, whose experience of teaching is extremely limited, should presume to discuss education is a matter, surely, that calls for no apology. It is a kind of behavior to which the present climate of opinion is wholly favorable. Bishops air their opinions about economics; biol...

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2014 Commencement Address by Jon Favreau ’03

知名毕业演讲特辑之九:美国史上最年轻的总统就职演讲撰稿人乔·费夫洛在母校为毕业生演讲 2014 Commencement Address by Jon Favreau '03 President Boroughs, Members of the Board of Trustees, honored guests, faculty, family, friends, and the Class of 2014: I'm so grateful and honored for the chance to share this day with you. Jeff, you gave an outstanding valedictory a...

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Message by UNESCO DG Ms. Irina Bokova on the International Mother Language Day 2017

联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃在2017年世界母语日上的致辞(中英对照版) On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, UNESCO restates its wholehearted commitment to linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Languages express who we are, they structure our thoughts and identities. There can be no authentic dialogue or effective international cooperation without ...

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Message on World Humanitarian Day

联合国2017年世界人道主义日主旨演讲。(中英对照) Every year on World Humanitarian Day, we shine a spotlight on the millions of civilians around the world whose lives have been caught up in conflict. 每年的世界人道主义日,我们都提醒人们关注全球各地数百万身陷冲突的平民。 On this day, we also take a moment to honour the brave health and aid workers who are targeted or obstruc...

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The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro

名人演讲特辑之四:道格拉斯“七月四日对美国黑奴意味着什么” The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro By Frederick Douglas Fellow Citizens, I am not wanting in respect for the fathers of this republic. The signers of the Declaration of Independence were brave men. They were great men, too ?‘ great enough to give frame to a great age. It does not often happen to a nation to rai...

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1996 Wellesley Commencement Address(Excerpt)

女性演讲特辑之四:美国已故女性作家在母校告诉母校的毕业生们,不要拘泥于做窈窕淑女,“搞点事情” 1996 Wellesley Commencement Address(Excerpt) By Nora Ephron Anyway, as I was saying, the Crimson had this snippy article which said that Wellesley was a school for tunicata — tunicata apparently being small fish who spend the first part of their lives frantically swimming around th...

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美国20世纪最伟大的演讲32Harry Truman – Truman Doctrine

Harry S. TrumanHarry S. Truman: “The Truman Doctrine” Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Congress of the United States: The gravity of the situation which confronts the world today necessitates my appearance before a joint session of the Congress. The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. One aspect of the present situatio...

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Message on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers

古特雷斯秘书长在2017年联合国维和人员国际日上的致辞。(中英双语) Message on the International Day of UN Peacekeepers 联合国维持和平人员国际日致辞 29 May 2017 2017年5月29日 For nearly 70 years, UN peacekeeping has proven to be one of the international community’s most effective investments in peace, security and prosperity. 联合国维持和平行动是近70年来,国际社会对和平、安全...

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美国20世纪最伟大的演讲04FDR-Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation

罗斯福总统Pearl Harbor Address to the NationMr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.The United States was at peace with that nation...

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“21世纪·爱立信杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军得主演讲稿 ■孙宁 To me March 28th was a lucky day. It was on that particular evening that I found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. Winning the “21st Century·Ericsson Cup” Seventh National English Speaking Competition is a memory that I shall treasure and one that will surely stay. More important than winning the Cup ...

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Speech by Prince Harry at a Landmine Free 2025 Reception Held at Kensington Palace

哈里王子在“无雷世界2025”大会上的演讲。 It’s funny for you, isn’t it? Twenty years ago, in the last months of her life, my mother campaigned to draw attention to the horrific and indiscriminate impact of landmines. She visited affected areas such as Huambo in Angola and Travnik in Bosnia. She heard how people in these communities lived in constant fear that each step may be...

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联合国秘书长潘基文2011年世界海洋日致辞 UN Secretary-General’s Message on World Oceans Day New York, 8 June 2011 联合国秘书长潘基文2011年世界海洋日致辞 2011年6月8日 World Oceans Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of oceans to humankind’s sustainable development. It is also a time to recognize the many severe challenges related to oceans. These rang...

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李克强总理 国务院总理李克强11日下午在泰国国会发表题为《让中泰友好之花结出新硕果》的演讲,高度评价中泰友好,展望两国关系美好前景。这是中国领导人首次在泰国国会发表演讲。 May the Flower of China-Thailand Friendship Bear New Fruits 让中泰友好之花结出新硕果 –Speech by H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, at the National Assembly...

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Speech on Gratitude by Student

学生演讲特辑之三:小学生关于感激的演讲 Speech on Gratitude by Student If you woke up this morning happy and healthy,you are more blessed than the million who died last night.If you have food to eat,clothes to wear and a house to live in, you are much better than those who do not possess these. If your parents are there to take care of you,you are very fortunate. If you can...

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