经典英语美文 (92)论人类荣耀之虚渺

What then is the work of life? What the business of great men, that pass the stage of the world in seeming triumph as these men we call heroes have done? Is it to grow great in the mouth of fame and take up so many pages in history? Alas! That is no more than making a tale for the reading of posterity till it turns into fable and romance. Is it to furnish subjects to the po...

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『励志故事』那一年,我以全县理科第二名的成绩考上了南京一所大学。如果你来自一个偏僻而贫穷的小村,突然来到这么华丽的地方。突然见到这么巍峨的大厦,甚至见识到那么惊人的物价,没有人会仍然镇静如常。我和父亲走下火车的时候,看着火车站那么多的人,立刻有种无所适从的感觉,本来在家就已经打算了很多遍的想法和勇敢的行动都在这一瞬间消失得无影无踪。 我跟着父亲在火车站广场转悠了好久,也没找到...

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